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September 23, 1998

Global uncertainties and the Canadian economy

Remarks Gordon Thiessen St. John's Board of Trade St. John's, Newfoundland
This past year, we have had to deal with the implications for our economy and our currency of increased global uncertainty and pressures arising from the problems that originated in Southeast Asia. I am sure that the effects of these developments, especially on primary commodities, such as oil and nickel, are already very familiar to Newfoundlanders.
June 11, 1998

The outlook for the Canadian economy and monetary policy

Remarks Bernard Bonin The Canadian Association of Financial Planners Québec, Québec
In mid-May we published our semi-annual Report on monetary policy, covering data up to April 24th. That means we now have new data available for the last two months. Furthermore, our report also pointed to a much greater-than-usual degree of uncertainty about the outlook for the Canadian economy.
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