Monetary policy transmission
Central Bank Communication That Works: Lessons from Lab Experiments
We use controlled laboratory experiments to test the causal effects of central bank communication on economic expectations and to distinguish the underlying mechanisms of those effects. In an experiment where subjects learn to forecast economic variables, we find that central bank communication has a stabilizing effect on individual and aggregate outcomes and that the size of the effect varies with the type of communication. -
May 1, 2019
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce
Opening Statement before the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. -
April 30, 2019
Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Good morning, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Once again, Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins and I are pleased to be with you to talk about the Bank’s Monetary Policy Report (MPR), which we published last week. Six months ago, when we last appeared before this committee, we talked about some very positive developments. The Canadian economy […] -
April 8, 2019
Why Do Central Banks Care About Market Power?
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins discusses how the competitive landscape and digitalization affect monetary policy and why central banks care about market power. -
February 21, 2019
Price check: Inflation in Canada
Why prices change, and what it means for the economy. -
The Distributional Effects of Conventional Monetary Policy and Quantitative Easing: Evidence from an Estimated DSGE Model
This paper compares the distributional effects of conventional monetary policy and quantitative easing (QE) within an estimated open-economy DSGE model of the euro area.