November 13, 2015
Inflation targets
October 27, 2015
Inflation Targeting—A Matter of Time
Deputy Governor Tim Lane discusses monetary policy decision making and how the Bank assesses the underlying trend in inflation. -
The Optimal Level of the Inflation Target: A Selective Review of the Literature and Outstanding Issues
Bank of Canada research done prior to the most recent renewal of the inflation-control agreement in 2011 concluded that the benefits associated with a target below 2 per cent were insufficient to justify the increased risk of being constrained by the zero lower bound (ZLB) on nominal interest rates. -
March 26, 2015
Central Bank Credibility and Policy Normalization
Governor Poloz discusses the recent rise in financial market volatility and low long-term borrowing costs, and what they both mean for central bank credibility. -
February 24, 2015
Lessons New and Old: Reinventing Central Banking
Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses the need to integrate financial stability concerns with inflation control in conducting monetary policy after the financial crisis. -
February 19, 2015
Inflation, Expectations and Monetary Policy
Deputy Governor Agathe Côté discusses the importance of inflation expectations for monetary policy and a new survey the Bank of Canada created to monitor household expectations. -
February 10, 2015
Minding the Labour Gap
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins discusses the state of the labour market, the impact of lower oil prices on Canada’s economic outlook and the importance of both for monetary policy.