October 3, 2023
Nicolas Vincent - Latest
October 3, 2023
Speech: The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal
Pricing practices and monetary policy — External Non-executive Deputy Governor Nicolas Vincent speaks before The Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montreal. (08:40 (ET) approx.).
October 3, 2023
Understanding the unusual: How firms set prices during periods of high inflation
Deputy Governor Nicolas Vincent discusses how firms set their prices and how pricing behaviour changed in our recent environment of high inflation. -
May 18, 2023
Financial System Review—2023
The adjustment to higher interest rates is exposing vulnerabilities in the global financial system. Recent banking sector stresses serve as a reminder that risks can arise and spread quickly. Key areas of concern are bank funding, liquidity in fixed income markets, and households’ ability to service their debts. Other financial system concerns relate to cyber attacks, climate change and cryptoasset markets.