In my opinion, much of this performance can be credited to the increasingly widespread acceptance of the need for a liberalized worldwide financial and trade order. Many countries that once closed themselves to the outside world are now actively engaged in the global economy.
In a speech to the Americas Society and the Council of the Americas, Bank of Canada Governor David Dodge said today that the United States and Canada should lead the effort to strengthen institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.
A consultation document relating to the auction schedule for Real Return Bonds for the fiscal year 2007/08, prepared jointly by the Department of Finance and the Bank of Canada, is being made public today.
Today, a Summary of Comments on the Debt Strategy Consultations for 2007/08 is being published on the Bank's website in conjunction with the release of the government's Debt Management Strategy for 2007/08 on the Department of Finance website.
The Bank of Canada today announced that Professor Jean-Marie Dufour of the Université de Montréal is the recipient of the Bank's Research Fellowship for 2007.
In a speech to the Calgary Chamber of Commerce, Governor Dodge explained that while strong macroeconomic conditions are necessary for meeting the challenges of the global economy, additional work on microeconomic policies is still needed.
Our primary objective at the Bank is to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canadians. Over the years, we have learned that the best contribution that monetary policy can make in this regard is to give Canadians confidence in the future value of their money. We do this by keeping inflation low, stable, and predictable.