The winter Business Outlook Survey continues to provide signs of strengthening demand, especially among export-oriented firms and manufacturers. However, the outlook for businesses that are linked directly or indirectly to the energy sector has deteriorated.
The Bank of Canada today published a summary of the comments it received in an online consultation on the principles guiding the design of the country’s bank notes.
Global financial reforms have made the financial system safer, but regulators must ensure that the new rules do not stifle innovation, Bank of Canada Governor Stephen S. Poloz said today in a speech in New York on the future of the financial industry. “I see such innovation in financial intermediation as essential to fostering regulatory […]
Risks to Canada’s financial system have not increased in the past six months, but high consumer debt loads and imbalances in the housing market remain a concern, the Bank of Canada said today in itsbiannual Financial System Review (FSR). “We judge that the probability of an adverse shock has eased since our June FSR,” said […]
The Reports section of the Financial System Review examines selected issues of relevance to the Canadian and global financial systems. The December 2014 issue features two reports on important developments in the financial system: rapid growth and innovation in the market for exchange-traded funds, and the increasing significance of cyber attacks to the operational resilience of financial institutions and financial market infrastructures.
The Bank of Canada is inviting Canadians to propose ideas for the design of a new bank note to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.