Speaking a day after we decided to hold interest rates unchanged, Deputy Governor Lynn Patterson discussed the key points Governing Council considered in their decision.
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins discusses developments in the Canadian labour market and factors that may help explain why wage growth is slower than expected.
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins discusses public policy issues around monetary policy frameworks and how those issues have become more complex in the post-global financial crisis world.
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins and I are pleased to be with you today to discuss the Bank’s Monetary Policy Report. At the time of our last appearance in April, our message was about the considerable economic progress that we had seen. We explained that after a lacklustre start […]
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins and I are pleased to be with you today to discuss the Bank’s Monetary Policy Report. At the time of our last appearance in April, our message was about the considerable economic progress that we had seen. We explained that after a lacklustre start […]
There is a risk that Bank of Canada staff may inadvertently be biased when analyzing inflation: when inflation surprises on the downside, staff might emphasize negative idiosyncratic factors. When inflation surprises on the upside, staff might emphasize the positive idiosyncratic factors.
We propose a simple, model-free way to measure selection in price setting and its contribution to inflation dynamics. The proposed measure of price selection is based on the observed comovement between inflation and the average level from which adjusting prices depart.