Travel Expenses — Carolyn Rogers — Senior Deputy Governor

2023-07-01 to 2023-07-31

Dates of Business Travel Destination Purpose of Travel Transportation Accommodation Expenses Meals and Incidentals Other Expenses Total
2023-06-11  - 2023-06-18 Toronto, Canada
Kelowna, Canada
Kamloops, Canada
Attending meetings
Attending meetings
Attending meetings
$3,004.64 $1,932.77 $294.70 $0.00 $5,232.11
2023-06-19  - 2023-06-21 Toronto, Canada
Attending meetings
$324.62 $840.22 $270.80 $32.00 $1,467.64
2023-06-21  - 2023-06-28 Basel, Switzerland
Attending a conference or event
$8,272.75 $4,038.75 $1,108.17 $0.00 $13,419.67
2023-07-01 - 2023-07-31 Sub-Total $11,602.01 $6,811.74 $1,673.67 $32.00 $20,119.42
*BIS Payment and Other Credits $0.00
2023-07-01 - 2023-07-31 Total $20,119.42
  1. * Note: The BIS pays an attendance fee, quarterly remuneration and travelling expenses for the Senior Deputy Governor.