Travel Expenses — Tiff Macklem — Governor

2023-12-01 to 2023-12-31

Dates of Business Travel Destination Purpose of Travel Transportation Accommodation Expenses Meals and Incidentals Other Expenses Total
2023-11-02  - 2023-11-03 Toronto, Canada
Attending meetings
$99.44 $418.03 $114.80 $0.00 $632.27
2023-11-05  - 2023-11-15 Whitehorse, Canada
Toronto, Canada
Basel, Switzerland
Attending meetings
Attending meetings
Attending meetings
$14,593.70 $3,112.22 $591.02 $0.00 $18,296.94
2023-11-21  - 2023-11-23 Saint John, Canada
Delivering a speech or presentation
$960.20 $392.80 $153.50 $0.00 $1,506.50
2023-12-08  - 2023-12-12 Stockholm, Sweden
Attending a conference or event, Delivering a speech or presentation
$7,396.45 $0.00 $150.13 $230.01 $7,776.59
2023-12-14  - 2023-12-15 Toronto, Canada
Delivering a speech or presentation
$802.73 $357.33 $48.90 $0.00 $1,208.96
2023-12-01 - 2023-12-31 Sub-Total $23,852.52 $4,280.38 $1,058.35 $230.01 $29,421.26
*BIS Payment and Other Credits $0.00
2023-12-01 - 2023-12-31 Total $29,421.26
  1. * Note: The BIS pays an attendance fee, quarterly remuneration and travelling expenses for the Governor in his capacity as Director.