Estimating the Slope of the Demand Function at Auctions for Government of Canada Bonds Staff Discussion Paper 2023-12 Bo Young Chang We use bid data from Government of Canada bond auctions between 1999 and 2021 to gauge the yield sensitivity of these bonds to the issuance amount. Our new metric estimates the demand function of the bidders at each auction and offers insights into the relationship between supply and yield of government bonds. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Research Topic(s): Debt management, Interest rates JEL Code(s): D, D4, D44, G, G1, G12
June 26, 2023 CARR Meeting (June 26, 2023) Content Type(s): Meetings Source(s): Canadian Alternative Reference Rate Working Group
Why Consumers Disagree About Future Inflation Staff Discussion Paper 2023-11 Naveen Rai, Patrick Sabourin Since 2022, consumer inflation expectations have shifted, with a significant increase in those expecting high inflation in the coming year and a surge in those expecting deflation further in the future. Using data from the Canadian Survey of Consumer Expectations, this paper seeks to assess the factors that influence people to expect high inflation, moderate inflation or deflation. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Research Topic(s): Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): C, C8, C83, D, D8, D84, E, E3, E31
June 21, 2023 Summary of Governing Council deliberations: Fixed announcement date of June 7, 2023 This is an account of the deliberations of the Bank of Canada’s Governing Council leading to the monetary policy decision on June 7, 2023. Content Type(s): Publications, Summary of deliberations
June 21, 2023 Release of the Bank of Canada’s summary of deliberations On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, the Bank of Canada will publish a summary of the deliberations that took place ahead of its interest rate decision on June 7, 2023. Content Type(s): Press, Media advisories
June 20, 2023 The Daily Courier Tiff Macklem, Governor of the Bank of Canada Interview with the Kelowna Daily Courier Content Type(s): Press, Media activities
Markups and inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic Staff Analytical Note 2023-8 Olga Bilyk, Timothy Grieder, Mikael Khan We find that prices and costs for consumer-oriented firms moved roughly one-for-one during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means firms fully passed rising costs through to the prices they charged. However, our results are suggestive, given data limitations and the uncertainty associated with estimating markups. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Research Topic(s): Firm dynamics, Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): D, D2, D4, E, E2, E3, L, L1
June 19, 2023 CFIF Meeting (June 19, 2023) Content Type(s): Meetings Source(s): Canadian Fixed-Income Forum