March 9, 2000 Bank of Canada Governor speaks to the Canadian Society of New York Media Relations New York, New York In a speech today to the Canadian Society of New York, Bank of Canada Governor Gordon Thiessen talked about Canada’s experience with a floating exchange rate and an independent monetary policy, despite close integration with the much larger U.S. economy. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
February 17, 2000 Bank of Canada Announces Appointments in Toronto and Montréal Media Relations To add to its presence in financial markets, the Bank of Canada has announced appointments to two new senior positions. Appointed are H. Ross MacKinnon as Director, Toronto Division and Jean-Pierre Aubry as Director, Montréal Division, both in the Financial Markets Department. In their new positions, Mr. MacKinnon and Mr. Aubry will contribute to the […] Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
February 16, 2000 Monetary Policy Report Update – February 2000 Information received since the last Monetary Policy Report, released on 17 November, points to a stronger pace of economic expansion in the United States and Europe than was expected at that time, and confirms the hesitant nature of the recovery in Japan. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
February 16, 2000 Release of the Monetary Policy Report Update Opening statement Gordon Thiessen This morning, we released our update to the November 1999 Monetary Policy Report. It gives the Governing Council's latest outlook for the economy and for inflation. Information received since November confirms that our economy performed well last year - expanding by close to 4 per cent between the fourth quarter of 1998 and the fourth […] Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements
Estimating the Fractional Order of Integration of Interest Rates Using a Wavelet OLS Estimator Staff Working Paper 2000-5 Greg Tkacz The debate on the order of integration of interest rates has long focused on the I(1) versus I(0) distinction. In this paper, we use instead the wavelet OLS estimator of Jensen (1999) to estimate the fractional integration parameters of several interest rates for the United States and Canada from 1948 to 1999. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Econometric and statistical methods, Interest rates JEL Code(s): C, C1, C13, E, E4, E43
Quelques résultats empiriques relatifs à l'évolution du taux de change Canada/États-Unis Staff Working Paper 2000-4 Ramdane Djoudad, David Tessier This paper explores the extent to which factors other than commodity and energy prices may have contributed to the Canadian dollar's depreciation since the early 1970s. The variables considered include among others budgetary conditions and productivity. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Exchange rates JEL Code(s): F, F3, F31
Long-Term Determinants of the Personal Savings Rate: Literature Review and Some Empirical Results for Canada Staff Working Paper 2000-3 Gilles Bérubé, Denise Côté This paper examines the structural determinants of the personal savings rate in Canada over the last 30 years, using cointegration techniques. The main finding is that the real interest rate, expected inflation, the ratio of the all-government fiscal balances to nominal GDP, and the ratio of household net worth to personal disposable income are the most […] Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Domestic demand and components JEL Code(s): C, C2, C22, E, E2, E21
February 3, 2000 Bank Rate Raised by 1/4 Percentage Point to 5 1/4 Per Cent Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada raised its Bank Rate today by ¼ of one percentage point to 5¼ per cent. The operating band for the overnight rate was correspondingly increased, and the Bank’s target for the overnight rate is now 5 per cent. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
January 29, 2000 Annual Report 1999 The Canadian economy regained strong momentum in 1999 as the U.S. economy remained vigorous, the global economy recovered, and commodity prices moved upwards. Content Type(s): Publications, Annual Report
January 27, 2000 Bank of Canada Governor speaks to the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce Media Relations Halifax, Nova Scotia There has been a dramatic move among major central banks over the past decade towards greater transparency in monetary policy, Bank of Canada Governor Gordon Thiessen told the Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce in a speech today. This process has been driven not only by the general trend to greater accountability on the part of […] Content Type(s): Press, Press releases