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March 8, 2007

Meeting Global Economic Challenges: The Need for Flexibility

Remarks David Dodge Calgary Chamber of Commerce Calgary, Alberta
Our primary objective at the Bank is to promote the economic and financial welfare of Canadians. Over the years, we have learned that the best contribution that monetary policy can make in this regard is to give Canadians confidence in the future value of their money. We do this by keeping inflation low, stable, and predictable.

The Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates: Implications for the Optimal Monetary Policy in Canada

Staff Discussion Paper 2007-1 Claude Lavoie, Hope Pioro
The authors assess the performance of the Canadian economy under a variety of interest rate rules when the zero bound on nominal interest rates can bind. Their assessment is based on numerical simulations of a dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model in a stochastic environment. Consistent with the literature, the authors find that the probability and consequences […]

Perhaps the FOMC Did What It Said It Did: An Alternative Interpretation of the Great Inflation

Staff Working Paper 2007-19 Sharon Kozicki, P. A. Tinsley
This paper uses real-time briefing forecasts prepared for the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) to provide estimates of historical changes in the design of U.S. monetary policy and in the implied central-bank target for inflation. Empirical results support a description of policy with an effective inflation target of roughly 7 percent in the 1970s.

Central Bank Performance under Inflation Targeting

Staff Working Paper 2007-18 Marc-André Gosselin
The inflation targeting (IT) regime is 17 years old. With practice of IT now in more than 21 countries, there is enough evidence gathered to take stock of the IT experience. In this paper, we analyze the inflation record of IT central banks.

Firms Dynamics, Bankruptcy Laws and Total Factor Productivity

Staff Working Paper 2007-17 Hajime Tomura
This paper analyzes endogenous fluctuations in total factor productivity (TFP) in a dynamic general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents, and illustrates the interaction of credit market frictions, asset prices, the entry and exit of firms, and fluctuations in TFP in response to firm-level productivity and aggregate credit-market shocks. I also analyze the effect of bankruptcy and foreclosure laws on fluctuations in TFP through their effect on credit market frictions.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial stability, Productivity JEL Code(s): D, D2, D24, E, E4, E44, G, G3, G33

World Real Interest Rates: A Global Savings and Investment Perspective

Staff Working Paper 2007-16 Brigitte Desroches, Michael Francis
Over the past 15 years, long-term interest rates have declined to levels not seen since the 1970s. This paper explores possible shifts in global savings and investment that have led to this fall in the world real interest rate.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Interest rates, International topics JEL Code(s): E, E2, E4, F, F3

Does Indexation Bias the Estimated Frequency of Price Adjustment?

Staff Working Paper 2007-15 Maral Kichian, Oleksiy Kryvtsov
We assess the implications of price indexation for estimated frequency of price adjustment in sticky price models of business cycles. These models predominantly assume that non-reoptimized prices are indexed to lagged or average inflation.

Exporting and FDI with Endogenous Productivity

Staff Working Paper 2007-14 Oana Secrieru, Marianne Vigneault
This paper provides an analysis of how a firm’s decision to serve a foreign market by exporting or by engaging in foreign direct investment (FDI) affects firm productivity, when productivity is endogeneous as a function of training. The main result of our paper is that, with endogeneous productivity, exporting results in lower productivity than does FDI, but exporting may result in higher or lower employment and output than does FDI.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): International topics, Labour markets, Productivity JEL Code(s): F, F2, F22, F23
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