June 28, 2007 Governor's comment on resignation of IMF's Managing Director Rodrigo de Rato Mr. de Rato has been a strong leader and a driving force behind renewing the IMF to meet the global challenges of the 21st century. We at the Bank of Canada are very sorry that he will be leaving. His departure will be a big loss for the international community. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 24, 2007 Price Formation and Liquidity Provision in the Markets for European and Canadian Government Securities Financial System Review - June 2007 Chris D'Souza, Ingrid Lo, Stephen Sapp Content Type(s): Publications, Financial System Review articles
June 22, 2007 Advertisement for position of Governor of the Bank of Canada The principal mission of the Bank of Canada is the formulation and implementation of Canada's national monetary policy to promote the economic and financial welfare of the country. Content Type(s): Press, Announcements
June 21, 2007 Modelling Payments Systems: A Review of the Literature Financial System Review - June 2007 Jonathan Chiu, Alexandra Lai Content Type(s): Publications, Financial System Review articles
June 21, 2007 The Impact of Electronic Trading Platforms on the Brokered Interdealer Market for Government of Canada Benchmark Bonds Financial System Review - June 2007 Natasha Khan Content Type(s): Publications, Financial System Review articles
June 21, 2007 Global Integration, Monetary Policy, and the International Monetary System Remarks Tiff Macklem Winnipeg CFA Society Winnipeg, Manitoba Now, Manitoba – right in the middle of our vast country – might seem an odd place to talk about globalization. But this province, like the rest of Canada, is very much affected by global economic forces. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks
June 21, 2007 Financial System Review - June 2007 The Financial System Review is one vehicle that the Bank of Canada uses to contribute to the strength of the Canadian financial system. The Developments and Trends section of the Review aims to provide analysis and discussion of current developments and trends in the Canadian financial sector. Content Type(s): Publications, Financial Stability Report
June 19, 2007 Change to the Official Time Base Reference Period for the Canadian Consumer Price Index: Implications for Government of Canada Real Return Bonds Today, along with the release of the consumer price index (CPI) for May 2007, Statistics Canada converted the official time base reference period for the CPI (the period for which the value 100 is assigned to the index) from 1992 to 2002 . This conversion was previously announced on 23 January 2007. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
June 17, 2007 Trend Labour Supply in Canada: Implications of Demographic Shifts and the Increasing Labour Force Attachment of Women Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2007 Russell Barnett While demographic change has been an ongoing process in Canada, labour market implications of an aging population will become more acute in coming years. This article discusses the anticipated slowing in the growth of trend labour input over the coming decades with the aging of the baby boomers, declining fertility rates, and the stabilization of the labour force attachment of women. As the pool of labour shrinks, employers and governments will be looking for ways to address barriers to continued labour force participation and firms will have a greater incentive to find ways of improving labour productivity. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Research Topic(s): Economic models, Labour markets, Potential output
June 15, 2007 Interpreting Canada's Productivity Performance in the Past Decade: Lessons from Recent Research Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2007 Richard Dion Dion examines the evolution of Canadian productivity since the mid-1990s, using the United States as a benchmark. During this period, trend productivity growth in Canada remained modest, whereas the U.S. witnessed a strong resurgence. Among the factors identified as potential root causes of Canada's lower productivity performance are a lower investment in information and communications technology, reallocation and adjustment costs associated with large relative price movements, and a weak demand for innovation. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Research Topic(s): Productivity, Recent economic and financial developments