January 22, 2010 Exchange rates Find exchange rates, along with supporting data and background information.
January 22, 2010 Statistics Find exchange rates, interest rates, price indexes, economic indicators and other statistical information.
Labour Reallocation, Relative Prices and Productivity Staff Working Paper 2010-2 Shutao Cao, Danny Leung This paper documents the rate at which labour flows between industries and between firms within industries using the most recent data available. It examines the determinants of these flows and their relationship with the productivity growth. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Inflation and prices, Labour markets, Productivity JEL Code(s): D, D2, D23, E, E3, E32, J, J6
January 21, 2010 Monetary Policy Report – January 2010 The global economic recovery is under way, supported by continued improvements in fi nancial conditions and stronger domestic demand growth in many emerging-market economies. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
January 21, 2010 Release of the Monetary Policy Report Opening statement Mark Carney Ottawa, Ontario Paul and I are pleased to be here with you today to discuss the January Monetary Policy Report, which we published this morning. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements
Search Frictions and Asset Price Volatility Staff Working Paper 2010-1 B. Ravikumar, Enchuan Shao We examine the quantitative effect of search frictions in product markets on asset price volatility. We combine several features from Shi (1997) and Lagos and Wright (2002) in a model without money. Households prefer special goods and general goods. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial markets, Market structure and pricing JEL Code(s): E, E4, E44, G, G1, G12
January 19, 2010 Bank of Canada Announces the New Schedule for Bank of Canada Term PRA Operations Commencing 16 February 2010 Further to the 15 December 2009 announcement, the Bank of Canada today releases the new schedule for the monthly Bank of Canada Term PRA operations commencing 16 February 2010 and running through to the April 2010 Fixed Announcement Date. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
January 19, 2010 Bank of Canada maintains overnight rate target at 1/4 per cent and reiterates conditional commitment to hold current policy rate until the end of the second quarter of 2010 Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1/4 per cent. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
January 18, 2010 Results of the 18 January 2010 Term PRA Transaction Results of today's term PRA operations Content Type(s): Press, Market notices