April 2, 2014 Briefing on Digital Currencies Remarks Grahame Johnson, Lukasz Pomorski Senate of Canada Ottawa, Ontario In an educational session on e-money to the Senate of Canada’s Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce. Grahame Johnson and Lukasz Pomorski highlight recent innovations in Canada’s payments system and the economic needs that these innovations satisfy. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks Research Topic(s): Digital currencies and fintech
March 30, 2014 Research Update - March 2014 This monthly newsletter features the latest research publications by Bank of Canada economists including external publications and working papers published on the Bank of Canada’s website. Content Type(s): Staff research, Research newsletters
March 28, 2014 Implementation Date for the Revised Terms and Conditions Governing the Morning Auction of Receiver General Cash Balances The Bank of Canada, on behalf of the Government of Canada, today announced the revised Terms and Conditions Governing the Morning Auction of Receiver General Cash Balances (the Terms) that will become effective 1 April 2014. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
March 28, 2014 Bank of Canada Announces Recipients of 2014 Fellowship and Governor’s Awards Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today announced the recipient of the Bank’s Fellowship Award and Governor's Award for 2014. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases Source(s): Fellowship Program
March 28, 2014 Weekly Financial Statistics - 28 March 2014 Content Type(s): Publications, Historical: Weekly Financial Statistics
March 28, 2014 Annual Report 2013 2013 proved to be a challenging year for the Bank of Canada. Inflation continued to drift below target, and the economy failed to move onto a more sustainable track. The 2013 Annual Report highlights key achievements over the year, describes the Bank’s corporate governance, and presents the financial statements in conjunction with Management’s Discussion and Analysis. Content Type(s): Publications, Annual Report
March 28, 2014 The Bank of Canada Releases Its Annual Report for 2013 Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada’s Annual Report for 2013 was tabled in the House of Commons. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
March 27, 2014 Banking and Financial Statistics - March 2014 Content Type(s): Publications, Historical: Banking and Financial Statistics
March 26, 2014 Oversight Activities during 2013 under the Payment Clearing and Settlement Act This report reviews the Bank of Canada's oversight activities during 2013 and priorities for 2014 pursuant to the Payment Clearing and Settlement Act (PCSA). This annual report is intended to provide transparency and accountability regarding the Bank's activities in this area. Content Type(s): Press, Announcements
Do Sunspots Matter? Evidence from an Experimental Study of Bank Runs Staff Working Paper 2014-12 Jasmina Arifovic, Janet Hua Jiang A "sunspot" is a variable that has no direct impact on the economy’s fundamental condition, such as preferences, endowments or technologies, but may nonetheless affect economic outcomes through the expectations channel as a coordination device. This paper investigates how people react to sunspots in the context of a bank-run game in a controlled laboratory environment. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial markets, Financial stability JEL Code(s): C, C9, C91, C92, D, D8, D80, E, E5, E58, G, G2, G20