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Martin Kuncl

Martin Kuncl is a Principal Researcher in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department at the Bank of Canada.

What Drives Bank-Intermediated Trade Finance? Evidence from Cross-Country Analysis

Staff Working Paper 2015-8 Jose Maria Serena, Garima Vasishtha
Empirical work on the underlying causes of the recent dislocations in bank-intermediated trade finance has been limited by the poor availability of hard data. This paper analyzes the key determinants of bank-intermediated trade finance using a novel data set covering ten banking jurisdictions.

Changing Labour Market Participation Since the Great Recession: A Regional Perspective

Staff Discussion Paper 2015-2 Calista Cheung, Dmitry Granovsky, Gabriella Velasco
This paper discusses broad trends in labour force participation and part-time employment across different age groups since the Great Recession and uses provincial data to identify changes related to population aging, cyclical effects and other factors.
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