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April 26, 2016

Canada-US Securities Summit - Speech (Audio)

A New Balance Point: Global Trade, Productivity and Economic Growth - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, speaks at the Canada-US Securities Summit (08:55 (ET) approx.)

April 26, 2016

A New Balance Point: Global Trade, Productivity and Economic Growth

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Investment Industry Association of Canada and Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association New York, New York
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about slowing international trade growth and the implications for productivity and the global economy.

What to Expect When China Liberalizes Its Capital Account

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-10 Mark Kruger, Gurnain Pasricha
When China joined the World Trade Organization in December 2001, it marked a watershed for the world economy. Ten years from now, the opening of China’s capital account and the financial integration that will unfold will be viewed as a milestone of similar importance.
April 21, 2016

Term repos

These operations, where assets are acquired temporarily through the secondary market, are conducted to manage the Bank’s balance sheet and to promote the orderly functioning of Canadian financial markets.

Should Monetary Policy Lean Against Housing Market Booms?

Staff Working Paper 2016-19 Sami Alpanda, Alexander Ueberfeldt
Should monetary policy lean against housing market booms? We approach this question using a small-scale, regime-switching New Keynesian model, where housing market crashes arrive with a logit probability that depends on the level of household debt.
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