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January 31, 2017

University of Alberta School of Business - Speech (Webcasts)

Models and the art and science of making monetary policy - Stephen S. Poloz, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, delivers the 2017 Princeton Developments Ltd Distinguished Lecture in Finance, hosted by the University of Alberta School of Business (17:35 (ET) approx.)

January 31, 2017

Models and the Art and Science of Making Monetary Policy

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz University of Alberta School of Business Edmonton, Alberta
Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses the evolution of economic models and the need for central bankers to apply judgment in using them.

Repo Market Functioning when the Interest Rate Is Low or Negative

Staff Discussion Paper 2017-3 Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, James Hately, Adrian Walton
This paper investigates how a low or negative overnight interest rate might affect the Canadian repo markets. The main conclusion is that the repo market for general collateral will continue to function effectively.
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