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9371 Results

Do Liquidity Proxies Measure Liquidity in Canadian Bond Markets?

Staff Analytical Note 2017-23 Jean-Sébastien Fontaine, Jeffrey Gao, Jabir Sandhu, Kobe Wu
This analytical note evaluates the reliability of proxies for measuring liquidity in Canadian bond markets. We find that price-impact and bid-ask proxies paint a similar picture of evolving liquidity conditions to that obtained from richer measures of liquidity for benchmark Government of Canada bonds.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Topic(s): Debt management, Financial markets JEL Code(s): G, G1, G12, G14, G2, G23, G3, G32

Competing Currencies in the Laboratory

Staff Working Paper 2017-53 Janet Hua Jiang, Cathy Zhang
We investigate competition between two intrinsically worthless currencies as a result of decentralized interactions between human subjects. We design a laboratory experiment based on a simple two-country, two-currency search model to study factors that affect circulation patterns and equilibrium selection.

Good Volatility, Bad Volatility and Option Pricing

Staff Working Paper 2017-52 Bruno Feunou, Cédric Okou
Advances in variance analysis permit the splitting of the total quadratic variation of a jump diffusion process into upside and downside components. Recent studies establish that this decomposition enhances volatility predictions, and highlight the upside/downside variance spread as a driver of the asymmetry in stock price distributions.

Jabir Sandhu

Jabir Sandhu is a Principal Economist in the Financial Markets Department at the Bank of Canada.

Jelena Zivanovic

Jelena Zivanovic is Senior Economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis (CEA) department.
December 5, 2017

Annual exchange rates

View the annual average exchange rates. Published on the last business day of the year by 12:30 ET.

Luis Uzeda

Luis Uzeda is a Principal Researcher of the Labour and Inflation Team in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department.
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