Seeking Safety Staff Working Paper 2018-41 Toni Ahnert, Enrico Perotti The scale of safe assets suggests a structural demand for a safe wealth share beyond transaction and liquidity roles. We study how investors achieve a reference wealth level by combining self-insurance and contingent liquidation of investment. Intermediaries improve upon autarky, insuring investors with poor self-insurance and limiting liquidation. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions JEL Code(s): G, G2
August 25, 2018 The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Central Banking Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Jackson Hole, Wyoming Governor Poloz talks about the economic benefits expected from disruptive digital technologies and the implications for monetary policy. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks Research Topic(s): Domestic demand and components, Inflation and prices, Market structure and pricing, Monetary policy, Productivity
The Welfare Cost of Inflation Revisited: The Role of Financial Innovation and Household Heterogeneity Staff Working Paper 2018-40 Shutao Cao, Césaire Meh, José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, Yaz Terajima We document that, across households, the money consumption ratio increases with age and decreases with consumption, and that there has been a large increase in the money consumption ratio during the recent era of very low interest rates. We construct an overlapping generations (OLG) model of money holdings for transaction purposes subject to age (older households use more money), cohort (younger generations are exposed to better transaction technology), and time effects (nominal interest rates affect money holdings). Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Inflation: costs and benefits JEL Code(s): E, E2, E21, E4, E41
Sluggish Forecasts Staff Working Paper 2018-39 Monica Jain Given the influence that agents’ expectations have on key macroeconomic variables, it is surprising that very few papers have tried to extrapolate agents’ “true” expectations directly from the data. This paper presents one such approach, starting with the hypothesis that there is sluggishness in inflation and real GDP growth forecasts. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Econometric and statistical methods, Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): E, E3, E31, E37
August 21, 2018 Summary of Comments – Government of Canada Debt Distribution Framework Review Consultations A Summary of Comments received from the March 2018 Government of Canada Debt Distribution Framework Review Consultations is being published on the Bank of Canada’s website Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
Nowcasting Canadian Economic Activity in an Uncertain Environment Staff Discussion Paper 2018-9 Tony Chernis, Rodrigo Sekkel This paper studies short-term forecasting of Canadian real GDP and its expenditure components using combinations of nowcasts from different models. Starting with a medium-sized data set, we use a suite of common nowcasting tools for quarterly real GDP and its expenditure components. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Research Topic(s): Econometric and statistical methods JEL Code(s): C, C5, C53, E, E3, E37, E5, E52
August 15, 2018 RCMP’s E Division wins Bank of Canada counterfeit prevention award The Bank of Canada congratulates the Integrated Counterfeit Enforcement Team from British Columbia’s Federal Serious and Organized Crime branch, E Division—Financial Integrity. They are the winners of the 2018 Law Enforcement Award of Excellence for Counterfeit Deterrence. Content Type(s): Press, Announcements
July 31, 2018 Bank of Canada publishes its 2019 schedule for policy interest rate announcements, the release of the Monetary Policy Report, the Business Outlook Survey and the Senior Loan Officer Survey Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today published its 2019 schedule for policy interest rate announcements and the release of the quarterly Monetary Policy Report, and reconfirmed the scheduled interest rate announcement dates for the remainder of this year. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases