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380 Results

Measuring Systemic Importance of Financial Institutions: An Extreme Value Theory Approach

Staff Working Paper 2011-19 Toni Gravelle, Fuchun Li
In this paper, we define a financial institution’s contribution to financial systemic risk as the increase in financial systemic risk conditional on the crash of the financial institution. The higher the contribution is, the more systemically important is the institution for the system.

Analyzing Default Risk and Liquidity Demand during a Financial Crisis: The Case of Canada

Staff Working Paper 2011-17 Jason Allen, Ali Hortaçsu, Jakub Kastl
This paper explores the reliability of using prices of credit default swap contracts (CDS) as indicators of default probabilities during the 2007/2008 financial crisis.

Lessons from International Central Counterparties: Benchmarking and Analysis

Staff Discussion Paper 2011-4 Alexandre Lazarow
Since the financial crisis, attention has focused on central counterparties (CCPs) as a solution to systemic risk for a variety of financial markets, ranging from repurchase agreements and options to swaps.

The Private Equity Premium Puzzle Revisited

Staff Working Paper 2011-6 Katya Kartashova
In this paper, I extend the results of Moskowitz and Vissing-Jørgensen (2002) on the returns to entrepreneurial investments in the United States. First, following the authors’ methodology I replicate the original findings from the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) for the period 1989–1998 and show that the returns to private and public equity are similar.

Leverage, Balance Sheet Size and Wholesale Funding

Staff Working Paper 2010-39 H. Evren Damar, Césaire Meh, Yaz Terajima
Some evidence points to the procyclicality of leverage among financial institutions leading to aggregate volatility. This procyclicality occurs when financial institutions finance their assets with non-equity funding (i.e., debt financed asset expansions). Wholesale funding is an important source of market-based funding that allows some institutions to quickly adjust their leverage.

The Impact of Liquidity on Bank Profitability

Staff Working Paper 2010-38 Étienne Bordeleau, Christopher Graham
The recent crisis has underlined the importance of sound bank liquidity management. In response, regulators are devising new liquidity standards with the aim of making the financial system more stable and resilient. In this paper, the authors analyse the impact of liquid asset holdings on bank profitability for a sample of large U.S. and Canadian banks.

Bank Competition and International Financial Integration: Evidence Using a New Index

Staff Working Paper 2010-35 Gurnain Pasricha
This paper finds a strong empirical link between domestic banking sector competitiveness and de facto international integration. De-facto international integration is measured through a new index of financial integration, which measures, for deviations from covered interest parity, the size of no-arbitrage bands and the speed of arbitrage outside the no-arbitrage band.
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