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353 Results

Exchange Rate Pass-Through and the Inflation Environment in Industrialized Countries: An Empirical Investigation

Staff Working Paper 2004-21 Jeannine Bailliu, Eiji Fujii
This paper investigates the question of whether a transition to a low-inflation environment, induced by a shift in monetary policy, results in a decline in the degree of pass-through of exchange rate movements to consumer prices.

Commodity-Linked Bonds: A Potential Means for Less-Developed Countries to Raise Foreign Capital

Staff Working Paper 2004-20 Joseph Atta-Mensah
The author suggests that commodity-linked bonds could provide a potential means for less-developed countries (LDCs) to raise money on the international capital markets, rather than through standard forms of financing.

A Structural VAR Approach to the Intertemporal Model of the Current Account

Staff Working Paper 2003-42 Takashi Kano
The intertemporal current account approach predicts that the current account of a small open economy is independent of global shocks, and that responses of the current account to country-specific shocks depend on the persistence of the shocks. The author shows that these predictions impose cross-equation restrictions (CERS) on a structural vector autoregression (SVAR).

Simple Monetary Policy Rules in an Open-Economy, Limited-Participation Model

Staff Working Paper 2003-38 Scott Hendry, Wai-Ming Ho, Kevin Moran
The authors assess the stabilization properties of simple monetary policy rules within the context of a small open-economy model constructed around the limited-participation assumption and calibrated to salient features of the Canadian economy. By relying on limited participation as the main nominal friction that affects the artificial economy, the authors provide an important check of the robustness of the results obtained using alternative environments in the literature on monetary policy rules, most notably the now-standard "New Keynesian" paradigm that emphasizes rigidities in the price-setting mechanism.

Real Exchange Rate Persistence in Dynamic General-Equilibrium Sticky-Price Models: An Analytical Characterization

Staff Working Paper 2003-35 Hafedh Bouakez
This paper assesses analytically the ability of dynamic general-equilibrium sticky-price models to generate persistent real exchange rate fluctuations. It develops a tractable general-equilibrium model with Calvo-type price stickiness.
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