October 30, 2018 Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Opening statement Stephen S. Poloz House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Ottawa, Ontario Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins and I are pleased to be with you today to discuss the Bank’s Monetary Policy Report. At the time of our last appearance in April, our message was about the considerable economic progress that we had seen. We explained that after a lacklustre start […] Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements Research Topic(s): Inflation and prices, Monetary policy, Monetary policy transmission, Recent economic and financial developments
Characterizing the Canadian Financial Cycle with Frequency Filtering Approaches Staff Analytical Note 2018-34 Andrew Lee-Poy In this note, I use two multivariate frequency filtering approaches to characterize the Canadian financial cycle by capturing fluctuations in the underlying variables with respect to a long-term trend. The first approach is a dynamically weighted composite, and the second is a stochastic cycle model. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Research Topic(s): Business fluctuations and cycles, Econometric and statistical methods, Financial stability, Monetary and financial indicators, Recent economic and financial developments JEL Code(s): C, C0, C01, C1, C13, C14, C18, C3, C32, C5, C51, C52, E, E3, E32, E6, E66, G, G0, G01, G1, G18
October 26, 2018 Staff economic projections These forecasts are provided to Governing Council in preparation for monetary policy decisions. They are released once a year with a five-year lag.
Multibank Holding Companies and Bank Stability Staff Working Paper 2018-51 Radoslav Raykov, Consuelo Silva-Buston This paper studies the relationship between bank holding company affiliation and the individual and systemic risk of banks. Using the 2005 hurricane season in the US as an exogenous shock to bank balance sheets, we show that banks that are part of a holding parent company are more resilient than independent banks. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions, Financial stability JEL Code(s): G, G1, G2
October 25, 2018 Money for Nothing? A Central Banker’s Take on Cryptoassets Presentation Carolyn A. Wilkins Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins discusses cryptoassets and the key questions they pose for central banks. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Presentations Research Topic(s): Digital currencies and fintech
October 24, 2018 Monetary Policy Report Press Conference Opening Statement Opening statement Carolyn A. Wilkins Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins discusses key issues involved in the Governing Council’s deliberations about the policy rate decision and the MPR. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements
October 24, 2018 Bank of Canada increases overnight rate target to 1 ¾ per cent Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today increased its target for the overnight rate to 1 ¾ per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 2 per cent and the deposit rate is 1 ½ per cent. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases