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Maureen Carroll

Maureen Carroll was appointed Managing Director of the Currency Department, effective September 1, 2018.
Department(s): Currency

Should Bank Capital Regulation Be Risk Sensitive?

Staff Working Paper 2018-48 Toni Ahnert, James Chapman, Carolyn A. Wilkins
We present a simple model to study the risk sensitivity of capital regulation. A banker funds investment with uninsured deposits and costly capital, where capital resolves a moral hazard problem in the banker’s choice of risk.

Challenges in Implementing Worst-Case Analysis

Staff Working Paper 2018-47 Jon Danielsson, Lerby Ergun, Casper G. de Vries
Worst-case analysis is used among financial regulators in the wake of the recent financial crisis to gauge the tail risk. We provide insight into worst-case analysis and provide guidance on how to estimate it. We derive the bias for the non-parametric heavy-tailed order statistics and contrast it with the semi-parametric extreme value theory (EVT) approach.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Financial stability JEL Code(s): C, C0, C01, C1, C14, C5, C58

Fanny McKellips

Fanny McKellips is an economist in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department.
September 8, 2018

Investing in Monetary Policy Independence in a Small Open Economy

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz, Césaire Meh Monetary Policy Spillovers in a Financially Integrated World Copenhagen, Denmark
Governor Poloz discusses policies that can help central banks keep the ability to pursue independent monetary policy in a financially integrated global economy.
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