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9292 Results

CORRA: Explaining the rise in volumes and resulting upward pressure

Staff Analytical Note 2024-21 Boran Plong, Neil Maru
On May 27, 2024, the settlement period for trading GoC bonds in the secondary market in Canada moved from two days to one. This shortened time for settling secondary cash bond trades caused CORRA volumes to rise significantly, and they have remained elevated since. This combined with the skew in demand for funding has pressured CORRA higher. We find no indications that any other factors are contributing to the most recent pressures on CORRA.

Crystal Arnburg

Crystal Arnburg is the Regional Director (Economics) at the Bank of Canada’s Regional Office for British Columbia and the Yukon.

Foreign exchange risk premiums and global currency factors

Staff Analytical Note 2024-20 Ingomar Krohn, Mariel Yacolca Maguiña
Global currency risk factors continue to explain a large share of the variation in the Canadian dollar during the period following the 2008–09 global financial crisis. We show that they are also systematically important for risk premiums, and only in recent months has the role of idiosyncratic country-specific risks grown.
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