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222 Results

On the Nexus of Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Is the Financial System More Resilient?

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-12 Patricia Palhau Mora, Michael Januska
Monetary policy and financial stability are closely intertwined, and the resilience of the financial system carries weight in this relationship. This paper explores whether the financial system is more resilient as a result of the G20’s post-crisis agenda for financial regulatory reform.

The Impact of Bankruptcy Reform on Insolvency Choice and Consumer Credit

Staff Working Paper 2016-26 Jason Allen, Kiana Basiri
We examine the impact of the 2009 amendments to the Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act on insolvency decisions. Rule changes steered debtors out of division I proposals and into the more cost-effective division II proposals.

On the Nexus of Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: Effectiveness of Macroprudential Tools in Building Resilience and Mitigating Financial Imbalances

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-11 H. Evren Damar, Miguel Molico
This paper reviews the Canadian and international evidence of the effectiveness of macroprudential policy measures in building resilience and mitigating financial imbalances. The analysis concludes that these measures have broadly achieved their goal of increasing the overall resilience of the financial system to the buildup of imbalances and increasing the financial system’s ability to withstand adverse shocks.
May 6, 2016

Stress Prevention: Central Banks and Financial Stability

Remarks Lawrence L. Schembri Joint Workshop: Bank of Canada, International Monetary Fund, Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Peterson Institute for International Economics Ottawa, Ontario
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses central banks and the maintenance of financial stability.

Asset Encumbrance, Bank Funding and Financial Fragility

Staff Working Paper 2016-16 Kartik Anand, Prasanna Gai, James Chapman, Toni Ahnert
In this piece we show that a limit on the level of asset encumbrance and minimum capital requirements are effective tools for minimizing the incentive for banks to take excessive risk.

Dating Systemic Financial Stress Episodes in the EU Countries

Staff Working Paper 2016-11 Benjamin Klaus, Tuomas Peltonen, Thibaut Duprey
This paper introduces a new methodology to date systemic financial stress events in a transparent, objective and reproducible way. The financial cycle is captured by a monthly country-specific financial stress index.

Canadian Repo Market Ecology

Staff Discussion Paper 2016-8 Corey Garriott, Kyle Gray
This is the first of the Financial Markets Department’s descriptions of Canadian financial industrial organization. The document discusses the organization of the repurchase-agreement (repo) market in Canada.

A Microfounded Design of Interconnectedness-Based Macroprudential Policy

Staff Working Paper 2016-6 Jose Fique
To address the challenges posed by global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision recommended an “additional loss absorbency requirement” for these institutions. Along these lines, I develop a microfounded design of capital surcharges that target the interconnectedness component of systemic risk.
February 24, 2016

Connecting the Dots: Elevated Household Debt and the Risk to Financial Stability

Remarks Lawrence L. Schembri Guelph Chamber of Commerce Guelph, Ontario
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses household debt, the risk it poses to financial stability and the role of the Bank of Canada.
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