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187 Results

April 12, 2019

Panel: International Monetary Fund

CBDC: Should Central Banks issue Digital Currencies?  — Deputy Governor Timothy Lane participates in a panel discussion at International Monetary Fund.
April 11, 2019

Panel: World Bank

Capital Market Development and the FinTech Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges — Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins participates in a panel discussion at the World Bank.

Crypto ‘Money’: Perspective of a Couple of Canadian Central Bankers

Staff Discussion Paper 2019-1 James Chapman, Carolyn A. Wilkins
The market for cryptoassets has exploded in size in the 10 years since bitcoin was launched. The technology underlying cryptoassets, blockchain, has also been held up as a technology that promises to transform entire industries.

A Framework for Analyzing Monetary Policy in an Economy with E-money

Staff Working Paper 2019-1 Yu Zhu, Scott Hendry
This paper considers an economy where central-bank-issued fiat money competes with privately issued e-money. We study a policy-setting game between the central bank and the e-money issuer and find (1) the optimal monetary policy of the central bank depends on the policy of the private issuer and may deviate from the Friedman rule; (2) multiple equilibria may exist; (3) when the economy approaches a cashless state, the central bank’s optimal policy improves the market power of the e-money issuer and can lead to a discrete decrease in welfare and a discrete increase in inflation; and (4) first best cannot be achieved.

Should the Central Bank Issue E-money?

Staff Working Paper 2018-58 Charles M. Kahn, Francisco Rivadeneyra, Tsz-Nga Wong
Should a central bank take over the provision of e-money, a circulable electronic liability? We discuss how e-money technology changes the tradeoff between public and private provision, and the tradeoff between e-money and a central bank's existing liabilities like bank notes and reserves.
October 16, 2018

Navigating digital disruption and the economy

Technology can enhance efficiency and help create new jobs, but challenges like automation's impact on employment also need careful consideration and proactive solutions.
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