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222 Results

May 25, 2017

Project Jasper: Are Distributed Wholesale Payment Systems Feasible Yet?

This report describes a joint endeavour between public and private sectors to explore a wholesale payment system based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). They find that a stand-alone DLT system is unlikely to be as beneficial as a centralized payment system in terms of core operating costs; however, it could increase financial system efficiency as a result of integration with the broader financial market infrastructure.

May 25, 2017

Upgrading the Payments Grid: The Payoffs Are Greater Than You Think

Remarks Sylvain Leduc Payments Canada Toronto, Ontario
Deputy Governor Sylvain Leduc discusses how upgrading Canada’s core payment systems will contribute to financial stability and help the Bank keep inflation on target.
May 11, 2017

Wholesale Funding of the Big Six Canadian Banks

The Big Six Canadian banks are a dominant component of the Canadian financial system. How they finance their business activities is fundamental to how effective they are. Retail and commercial deposits along with wholesale funding represent the two major sources of funds for Canadian banks. What wholesale funding instruments do the Big Six banks use? How do they choose between different funding sources, funding strategies and why? How have banks changed their funding mix since the 2007–09 global financial crisis?

Constrained Efficiency with Adverse Selection and Directed Search

Staff Working Paper 2017-15 Mohammad Davoodalhosseini
Constrained efficient allocation (CE) is characterized in a model of adverse selection and directed search (Guerrieri, Shimer, and Wright (2010)). CE is defined to be the allocation that maximizes welfare, the ex-ante utility of all agents, subject to the frictions of the environment.
March 2, 2017

Thermometer Rising—Climate Change and Canada’s Economic Future

Remarks Timothy Lane Finance and Sustainability Initiative Montréal, Quebec
Deputy Governor Tim Lane discusses the implications of climate change—and actions to address it—for Canada’s economy and financial system.

Banking Regulation and Market Making

Staff Working Paper 2017-7 David Cimon, Corey Garriott
We model how securities dealers respond to regulations on leverage, position and liquidity such as those imposed by the Basel III framework. We show that while asset prices exhibit greater price impact, bid-ask spreads do not change and trading volumes may even increase.

Optimal Capital Regulation

Staff Working Paper 2017-6 Stéphane Moyen, Josef Schroth
We study constrained-efficient bank capital regulation in a model with market-imposed equity requirements. Banks hold equity buffers to insure against sudden loss of access to funding. However, in the model, banks choose to only partially self-insure because equity is privately costly.

Non-Bank Investors and Loan Renegotiations

Staff Working Paper 2016-60 Teodora Paligorova, João Santos
We document that the structure of syndicates affects loan renegotiations. Lead banks with large retained shares have positive effects on renegotiations. In contrast, more diverse syndicates deter renegotiations, but only for credit lines.
December 15, 2016

Toward More Resilient Markets: Over-the-Counter Derivatives Reform in Canada

In Toward More Resilient Markets: Over-the-Counter Derivatives Reform in Canada, Michael Mueller and André Usche show that the implementation of derivatives market reforms in Canada is well under way and has lessened vulnerabilities. But accompanying changes to market structure have both positive and negative effects that require ongoing attention from authorities.
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