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114 Results

May 15, 2007

Government Borrowers Forum

Remarks David Dodge Government Borrowers Forum Montréal, Quebec
We are all interested in seeing the continued development of international capital markets, as part of the advancement of a market-based, liberalized trade and financial regime. Let's remember that an open, market-based economic system is increasingly vital, in a world where change is driven by the development of new technologies and modes of competition; and where adjustments are occurring all the time.
May 4, 2007

The Importance of Appropriate Exchange Rate Regimes

Remarks David Dodge ACI - The Financial Markets Association Montréal, Quebec
Why do I think that such an order is so important? Well, in part it's because history has helped to demonstrate its virtues. But it's also extremely important to bear in mind the context, that is, the world in which we live today. This is a world in which adjustment is perpetual, where change is driven by the development of new technologies, where sectors and nations continually attempt to secure some new advantage. And in this world, price signals from markets help us to understand what adjustments are needed.
April 12, 2007

Dealing with Uncertainty in the Conduct of Monetary Policy

Remarks Sheryl Kennedy Montréal CFA Society Montréal, Quebec
The main goal of monetary policy is to help the country achieve strong, sustainable economic performance, and, in doing so, to contribute to rising living standards for Canadians. Experience has shown that the best way for a central bank to meet this goal, given the instruments at its disposal, is by keeping inflation low and stable. Low and stable inflation increases confidence in the future value of money, and allows for clear price signals.
June 21, 2006

Global Economic Forces and the Need for Adjustment

Remarks David Dodge Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain and the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec Montréal, Quebec
Since the start of the millennium, developments in the global economy have led to important changes throughout the Canadian economy and to serious challenges for many sectors and regions. Because nobody can anticipate precisely how the world will unfold, the best we can do is to ensure that our economy is as flexible as possible.
May 5, 2006

The Crucial Contribution of the Financial System and Monetary Policy to Economic Development

Remarks David Longworth Conference of the Association des économistes québécois Montréal, Quebec
Many analysts have examined the relationship between the financial system and economic development. They have uncovered some interesting facts regarding the characteristics of the financial system - characteristics that contribute to the best possible allocation of savings to productive investments, which are themselves engines of economic growth.
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