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346 Results

Differentiable, Filter Free Bayesian Estimation of DSGE Models Using Mixture Density Networks

Staff Working Paper 2025-3 Chris Naubert
I develop a method for Bayesian estimation of globally solved, non-linear macroeconomic models. The method uses a mixture density network to approximate the initial state distribution. The mixture density network results in more reliable posterior inference compared with the case when the initial states are set to their steady-state values.

Non-Bank Dealing and Liquidity Bifurcation in Fixed-Income Markets

Staff Working Paper 2025-2 Michael Brolley, David Cimon
We model non-bank entry into fixed-income markets and state-dependent liquidity. Non-bank financial institutions improve liquidity more during normal times than in stress. Banks may become less reliable to marginal clients, exacerbating the difference in liquidity between normal and stressed times. Central bank lending during stress may limit this harmful division.
December 16, 2024

Lessons for the future

Speech summary Tiff Macklem Greater Vancouver Board of Trade Vancouver, British Columbia
In his year-end remarks, Governor Tiff Macklem discusses what the Bank of Canada learned from the pandemic experience and outlines how the Bank is preparing for a more uncertain future.
December 16, 2024

Delivering price stability: Learning from the past, preparing for the future

Remarks Tiff Macklem Greater Vancouver Board of Trade Vancouver, British Columbia
Governor Tiff Macklem reflects on the lessons learned from the pandemic and its aftermath and outlines how the Bank is preparing for the challenges of the future.
September 19, 2024

Monetary policy decision-making: Behind the scenes

Remarks Nicolas Vincent Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sherbrooke, Quebec
External Deputy Governor Nicolas Vincent gives a behind the scenes look at the rigorous research, analysis and debate that go into every monetary policy decision.
September 19, 2024

Getting to a monetary policy decision

Speech summary Nicolas Vincent Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sherbrooke, Quebec
External Deputy Governor Nicolas Vincent gives a behind-the-scenes look at how the Bank of Canada’s Governing Council arrives at its monetary policy decisions.

Decision Synthesis in Monetary Policy

Staff Working Paper 2024-30 Tony Chernis, Gary Koop, Emily Tallman, Mike West
We use Bayesian predictive decision synthesis to formalize monetary policy decision-making. We develop a case-study of monetary policy decision-making of an inflation-targeting central bank using multiple models in a manner that considers decision goals, expectations and outcomes.

Non-Parametric Identification and Testing of Quantal Response Equilibrium

Staff Working Paper 2024-24 Johannes Hoelzemann, Ryan Webb, Erhao Xie
We show that the utility function and the error distribution are non-parametrically over-identified under Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE). This leads to a simple test for QRE. We illustrate our method in a Monte Carlo exercise and a laboratory experiment.
June 13, 2024

Reviewing our pandemic actions

Speech summary Sharon Kozicki Canadian Association for Business Economics Ottawa, Ontario
Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki talks about the importance of central bank transparency and accountability. She looks at the exceptional monetary policy measures the Bank of Canada used during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyzes their effectiveness.
June 13, 2024

Exceptional policies for an exceptional time: From quantitative easing to quantitative tightening

Remarks Sharon Kozicki Canadian Association of Business Economics Ottawa, Ontario
Deputy Governor Sharon Kozicki discusses the use of exceptional monetary policy tools during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the Bank’s commitment to transparency and accountability.
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