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April 12, 2023

Monetary Policy Report – April 2023

Monetary Policy Report – April
Inflation in Canada remains high but should come down quickly to around 3% in the middle of this year because of lower energy prices, improved supply chains and restrictive monetary policy. The Bank projects that inflation will reach the 2% target by the end of 2024.
February 21, 2024

Safeguarding end-user funds

This draft supervisory guideline is intended to help payment service providers subject to the Retail Payment Activities Act meet their obligations related to safeguarding end-user funds.

Calculating Effective Degrees of Freedom for Forecast Combinations and Ensemble Models

Staff Discussion Paper 2022-19 James Younker
This paper derives a calculation for the effective degrees of freedom of a forecast combination under a set of general conditions for linear models. Computing effective degrees of freedom shows that the complexity cost of a forecast combination is driven by the parameters in the weighting scheme and the weighted average of parameters in the auxiliary models.
June 9, 2016

Securities Financing and Bond Market Liquidity

This report investigates how the markets for repurchase agreements and securities-lending agreements support the liquidity of Canadian bond markets. It also discusses how recent regulatory changes, as well as low interest rates and settlement failures, are potentially affecting securities-financing markets and, as a result, bond market liquidity.

Alternative Scenario to the October 2017 MPR Base-Case Projection: Higher Potential Growth

Staff Analytical Note 2017-18 Jing Yang, Ben Tomlin, Olivier Gervais
We construct an alternative scenario in which trend labour input and business investment are stronger than that expected in the Bank of Canada’s base-case projection in the October 2017 Monetary Policy Report.
April 16, 2020

Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

Opening statement Stephen S. Poloz House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Ottawa, Ontario
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and committee members. Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins and I welcome the opportunity to appear before you to discuss the Bank’s policy actions in response to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as our Monetary Policy Report (MPR), which we published yesterday. The Canadian economy is experiencing a significant and rapid contraction. The […]

Customer Liquidity Provision in Canadian Bond Markets

Staff Analytical Note 2018-12 Corey Garriott, Jesse Johal
This analytical note assesses the prevalence of liquidity provision by institutional investors in Canadian bonds. We find that the practice is not prevalent in Canada. Customer liquidity provision is more prevalent for less liquid bonds, on days when liquidity is already expensive or when there are larger trading volumes. In our interpretation, Canadian dealers draw on customer liquidity as a supplementary source of liquidity and only when necessary, given its cost.
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