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November 23, 2021

Financial stability through the pandemic and beyond

Remarks (delivered virtually) Paul Beaudry OSC Dialogue, Ontario Securities Commission Toronto, Ontario
Deputy Governor Paul Beaudry provides an update on financial vulnerabilities and risks in Canada, including those stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
June 27, 2008

Flexibility versus Credibility in Inflation-Targeting Frameworks

Remarks Mark Carney 7th BIS Annual Conference Lucerne, Switzerland
There are two broad classes of arguments for greater flexibility in the design and application of monetary policy frameworks. The BIS has done a great deal of useful work on asset-price targeting in particular and on the complicated interplay between monetary policy and financial stability in general.

Has Liquidity in Canadian Government Bond Markets Deteriorated?

Staff Analytical Note 2017-10 Sermin Gungor, Jun Yang

This note presents measures of liquidity used by the Bank of Canada to monitor market conditions and discusses recent trends in Government of Canada (GoC) fixed-income market liquidity. Our results indicate that the Bank’s measures have improved since the financial crisis. Furthermore, GoC market liquidity deteriorated following several stressful events: the euro crisis in 2011, the taper tantrum in 2013 and the oil price shock in 2015. In all three cases, the deterioration remained within historical norms and liquidity returned to normal levels afterwards.

Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Topic(s): Financial markets JEL Code(s): G, G1, G12, G14
January 13, 2015

Drilling Down - Understanding Oil Prices and Their Economic Impact

Remarks Timothy Lane Madison International Trade Association (MITA) Madison, Wisconsin
Deputy Governor Timothy Lane discusses the causes of the recent drop in oil prices and its effects on the global and Canadian economies.
June 28, 2017

Markets Calling: Intelligence Gathering at the Bank of Canada

Remarks Lynn Patterson CFA Society Calgary Calgary, Alberta
Deputy Governor Lynn Patterson discusses how the Bank gathers financial market intelligence and what it is learning.
December 22, 2005

70 Years of Central Banking: The Bank of Canada in an International Context, 1935–2005

Bordo and Redish examine the evolution of central banking over the past 70 years and identify periods where Canada was either a notable innovator with regard to central banking practices or appeared to be following a slightly different course. They note that global forces seemed to play an important role in determining inflation outcomes throughout the 70-year period, and that Canada and the United States experienced roughly similar inflation rates despite some important differences in their monetary policy regimes. Canada, for example, was comparatively late in establishing a central bank, launching the Bank of Canada long after most other industrial countries had one. Canada also operated under a flexible exchange rate through much of the Bretton Woods period, unlike any other country in the 1950s and early 1960s; adopted inflation targets well before most other central banks; and introduced a number of other innovative changes with regard to the implementation of monetary policy in the 1990s.
June 12, 2017

Canadian Economic Update: Strength in Diversity

Remarks Carolyn A. Wilkins The Associates of the Asper School of Business Winnipeg, Manitoba
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn A. Wilkins talks about encouraging signs that growth is broadening across Canada’s regions and sectors.

Changing Labour Market Participation Since the Great Recession: A Regional Perspective

Staff Discussion Paper 2015-2 Calista Cheung, Dmitry Granovsky, Gabriella Velasco
This paper discusses broad trends in labour force participation and part-time employment across different age groups since the Great Recession and uses provincial data to identify changes related to population aging, cyclical effects and other factors.
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