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September 6, 2018

An Update on Canada’s Economic Resilience

Remarks Carolyn A. Wilkins Saskatchewan Trade & Export Partnership Regina, Saskatchewan
Senior Deputy Governor Wilkins discusses economic developments since the July Monetary Policy Report and Governing Council’s deliberations leading to yesterday’s policy rate decision.
March 21, 2017

Getting Down to Business: Investment and the Economic Outlook

Remarks Lawrence L. Schembri Greater Vancouver Board of Trade Vancouver, British Columbia
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses the factors affecting business investment and the implications for the economic outlook.

Y a-t-il eu surinvestissement au Canada durant la seconde moitié des années 1990?

Staff Working Paper 2005-5 Sylvain Martel
This study on overinvestment differs from the existing literature in that investment in machinery and equipment is modelled as a structural vector autoregression with identification achieved by imposing long-run restrictions, as in Blanchard and Quah (1989).
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Domestic demand and components JEL Code(s): C, C3, C32, E, E3, E37, F, F4, F47

Strategic Uncertainty in Financial Markets: Evidence from a Consensus Pricing Service

Staff Working Paper 2020-55 Lerby Ergun, Andreas Uthemann
We look at the informational content of consensus pricing in opaque over-the-counter markets. We show that the availability of price data informs participants mainly about other participants’ valuations, rather than about the value of a financial security.

Persistent Debt and Business Cycles in an Economy with Production Heterogeneity

Staff Working Paper 2023-17 Aubhik Khan, Soyoung Lee
We examine the role of debt in amplifying and propagating recessions. Firms’ debt adjustment makes recessions deeper but makes expansions gradual. In particular, when the aggregate business leverage is ten percentage points above average, the half-life of the recovery doubles.

The State of Labour Market Churn in Canada

Staff Analytical Note 2019-4 Olena Kostyshyna, Corinne Luu
The literature highlights that labour market churn, including job-to-job transitions, is a key element of wage growth. Using microdata from the Labour Force Survey, we compute measures of labour market churn and compare these with pre-crisis averages to assess implications for wage growth.

Assessing Global Potential Output Growth: April 2018

This note presents our estimates of potential output growth for the global economy through 2020. Overall, we expect global potential output growth to remain broadly stable over the projection horizon, averaging 3.3 per cent, although there is considerable uncertainty surrounding these estimates.

Housing Affordability and Parental Income Support

In many countries, the cost of housing has greatly outpaced income growth, leading to a housing affordability crisis. Leveraging Canadian loan-level data and quasi-experimental variation in payment-to-income constraints, we document an increasing reliance of first-time homebuyers on financial help from their parents, through mortgage co-signing. We show that parental support can effectively relax borrowing constraints—potentially to riskier borrowers.
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