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2898 Results

Quantitative Easing as a Policy Tool Under the Effective Lower Bound

Staff Discussion Paper 2015-14 Abeer Reza, Eric Santor, Lena Suchanek
This paper summarizes the international evidence on the performance of quantitative easing (QE) as a monetary policy tool when conventional policy rates are constrained by the effective lower bound (ELB). A large body of evidence suggests that expanding the central bank’s balance sheet through large-scale asset purchases can provide effective stimulus under the ELB.

Implementation and Effectiveness of Extended Monetary Policy Tools: Lessons from the Literature

This paper summarizes the literature on the performance of various extended monetary policy tools when conventional policy rates are constrained by the effective lower bound. We highlight issues that may arise when these tools are used by central banks of small open economies.

Search Frictions, Financial Frictions and Labour Market Fluctuations in Emerging Markets

Staff Working Paper 2014-35 Sumru Altug, Serdar Kabaca
This paper examines the role of the extensive and intensive margins of labour input in the context of a business cycle model with a financial friction. We document significant variation in the hours worked per worker for many emerging-market economies. Both employment and hours worked per worker are positively correlated with each other and with output.

The Impact of U.S. Monetary Policy Normalization on Capital Flows to Emerging-Market Economies

Staff Working Paper 2014-53 Tatjana Dahlhaus, Garima Vasishtha
The Federal Reserve’s path for withdrawal of monetary stimulus and eventually increasing interest rates could have substantial repercussions for capital flows to emerging-market economies (EMEs).

Central Bank Crisis Interventions: A Review of the Recent Literature on Potential Costs

Staff Discussion Paper 2023-30 Patrick Aldridge, David Cimon, Rishi Vala
Central banks’ actions to stabilize financial markets and implement monetary policy during crises may come with costs and side effects. We provide a literature review of these costs and discuss measures that may mitigate the negative impacts of crisis actions.

A Blueprint for the Fourth Generation of Bank of Canada Projection and Policy Analysis Models

Staff Discussion Paper 2023-23 Donald Coletti
The fourth generation of Bank of Canada projection and policy analysis models seeks to improve our understanding of inflation dynamics, the supply side of the economy and the underlying risks faced by policy-makers coming from uncertainty about how the economy functions.

Asset-Price Misalignments and Monetary Policy: How Flexible Should Inflation-Targeting Regimes Be?

Staff Discussion Paper 2007-6 Jack Selody, Carolyn A. Wilkins
The authors analyze the extent to which inflation-targeting frameworks should incorporate flexibility in order to respond to asset-price misalignments and other atypical events. They examine the costs and benefits of adding flexibility to the Bank's current inflation-targeting framework, and conclude that maintaining low and stable consumer price inflation is the best contribution that monetary policy […]
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