May 18, 2016 The Governor's Challenge: Participant guidelines Details on how the challenge is run, expectations for presentations, judging criteria and rules.
May 10, 2007 A Sound Pension System – Handling Risk Appropriately Remarks David Dodge Conference Board of Canada 2007 Pensions Summit Toronto, Ontario It goes without saying that a sound system of private pensions is important from the perspective of pensioners who rely on a given plan for their retirement income. For firms, a pension plan can help to attract and retain staff, and so the business community also counts on a sound pension system. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks
June 13, 2013 Financial System Review - June 2013 The Governing Council judges that the risks to the Canadian financial system have decreased somewhat relative to the December FSR, but that the overall level of risk remains high. The key risks are similar to those highlighted in December, and emanate primarily from the external environment. Content Type(s): Publications, Financial Stability Report
The Institutional and Political Determinants of Fiscal Adjustment Staff Working Paper 2006-1 Robert Lavigne The author empirically assesses the effects of institutional and political factors on the need and willingness of governments to make large fiscal adjustments. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Development economics, Econometric and statistical methods, Fiscal policy, International topics JEL Code(s): E, E6, E62, O, O1, O17, O19
November 17, 2011 Bank of Canada Review - Autumn 2011 This issue features four articles that present research and analysis by Bank staff. The first focuses on reforming the international monetary system; the second on the role of collateral and haircut policy in central bank lending; and the third on the extraction of information from the Business Outlook Survey using principal-component analysis. The fourth reviews studies that model the counterfeiting of bank notes. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review
May 22, 2008 Principles for Liquid Markets Remarks Mark Carney New York Association for Business Economics New York, New York Over the past year, both private sector financial market participants and public sector authorities have been preoccupied with the topic of liquidity as never before. Throughout the financial market turbulence, private liquidity management has become tremendously important. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Remarks
Trade Credit and Credit Rationing in Canadian Firms Staff Working Paper 2004-49 Rose Cunningham Burkart and Ellingsen's (2004) model of trade credit and bank credit rationing predicts that trade credit will be used by medium-wealth and low-wealth firms to help ease bank credit rationing. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Credit and credit aggregates, Financial markets JEL Code(s): G, G1, G14, G2, G21, G3, G32
International Transmission of Quantitative Easing Policies: Evidence from Canada Staff Working Paper 2022-30 Serdar Kabaca, Kerem Tuzcuoglu This paper examines the cross-border spillovers from major economies’ quantitative easing (QE) policies to their trading partners. We concentrate on spillovers from the US to Canada during the zero lower bound period when QE policies were actively used. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Business fluctuations and cycles, International topics, Monetary policy transmission JEL Code(s): E, E5, E52, F, F4, F41, F44
Privacy-Enhancing Technologies for CBDC Solutions Staff Discussion Paper 2025-1 Rakesh Arora, Han Du, Raza Ali Kazmi, Duc-Phong Le Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) could offer solutions to safeguard end-user privacy and meet rigorous data protection standards for central bank digital currencies. We consider how PETs can transform privacy design in financial systems and the implications of their broader adoption. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Topic(s): Central bank research, Digital currencies and fintech, Financial system regulation and policies, Payment clearing and settlement systems JEL Code(s): E, E4, E42, O, O3, O31
July 29, 2019 Historical Assets Eligible as Collateral under the Bank of Canada’s Standing Liquidity Facility – July 29, 2019 to April 8, 2020 The Bank of Canada (the Bank), through its Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF), provides access to liquidity to those institutions that participate directly in the Large Value Transfer System (LVTS). Content Type(s): Collateral Policy Source(s): Standing Liquidity Facility