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203 Results

June 12, 2014

Financial System Review - June 2014

The Reports section of the Financial System Review examines selected issues of relevance to the Canadian and global financial systems. The June 2014 issue features three reports on financial system initiatives: making financial benchmarks more robust; implementing the stronger Basel III capital and liquidity framework for banks; and using stress tests to assess financial system risks.

Debt Overhang and Deleveraging in the US Household Sector: Gauging the Impact on Consumption

Staff Working Paper 2015-47 Bruno Albuquerque, Georgi Krustev
Using a novel dataset for the US states, this paper examines whether household debt and the protracted debt deleveraging help explain the dismal performance of US consumption since 2007, in the aftermath of the housing bubble.

Lessons from International Central Counterparties: Benchmarking and Analysis

Staff Discussion Paper 2011-4 Alexandre Lazarow
Since the financial crisis, attention has focused on central counterparties (CCPs) as a solution to systemic risk for a variety of financial markets, ranging from repurchase agreements and options to swaps.
December 7, 1994

Repo, reverse repo and securities lending markets in Canada

Repurchase agreements (repos), reverse repos and securities lending markets permit a variety of institutions to conduct a broad range of financial transactions efficiently. In addition, they allow financial market participants to augment the returns on their cash holdings and securities portfolios. Canadian repo and securities lending markets have grown rapidly in recent years, following the expansion of such markets in major financial centres around the world; the volume of transactions in Canada now averages between $35 billion and $50 billion per day. The author notes that structural and regulatory changes in Canada have played important roles in promoting this growth. The vast majority of repo and securities lending transactions involve securities issued by the Government of Canada—principally Government of Canada bonds.

The Microstructure of Multiple-Dealer Equity and Government Securities Markets: How They Differ

Staff Working Paper 2002-9 Toni Gravelle
Although dealership government and equity securities have, on the surface, similar market structures, the author demonstrates that some subtle differences exist between them that are likely to significantly affect the way market-makers trade, and as such have an impact on the liquidity that they provide.

Interbank Asset-Liability Networks with Fire Sale Management

Staff Working Paper 2020-41 Zachary Feinstein, Grzegorz Halaj
Raising liquidity when funding is stressed creates pressure on the financial market. Liquidating large quantities of assets depresses their prices and may amplify funding shocks. How do banks weathering a funding crisis contribute to contagion risk?

Option Valuation with Observable Volatility and Jump Dynamics

Staff Working Paper 2015-39 Peter Christoffersen, Bruno Feunou, Yoontae Jeon
Under very general conditions, the total quadratic variation of a jump-diffusion process can be decomposed into diffusive volatility and squared jump variation. We use this result to develop a new option valuation model in which the underlying asset price exhibits volatility and jump intensity dynamics.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Asset pricing JEL Code(s): G, G1, G12
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