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9187 Results

Real-Financial Linkages in the Canadian Economy: An Input-Output Approach

Staff Working Paper 2011-14 Danny Leung, Oana Secrieru
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we provide a detailed social accounting matrix (SAM), which incorporates the income and financial flows into the standard input-output matrix, for the Canadian economy for 2004.
February 17, 2011

Bank of Canada Review - Winter 2010-2011

Bank of Canada Review - Winter 2010-2011
This issue features a summary of the Bank’s annual conference, which this year dealt with financial globalization, and three articles that present research by Bank staff on Canada’s mortgage market, the role of adverse selection in financial crises, and payment networks.
January 10, 2011

Senior Loan Officer Survey - Fourth-Quarter 2010

The survey results point to an overall easing in business-lending conditions. Both the price and non-price aspects of business lending eased during the quarter. Note that the balance of opinion indicates only the direction of the change in lending conditions; it does not provide information on the magnitude of the change.

Sovereign Default Risk Premia, Fiscal Limits and Fiscal Policy

Staff Working Paper 2011-10 Huixin Bi
We develop a closed economy model to study the interactions among sovereign risk premia, fiscal limits, and fiscal policy. The stochastic fiscal limits, which measure the ability and willingness of the government to service its debt, arise endogenously from a dynamic Laffer curve.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Fiscal policy, International topics JEL Code(s): E, E6, E62, H, H3, H30, H6, H60

Money and Costly Credit

Staff Working Paper 2011-7 Mei Dong
I study an economy in which money and credit coexist as means of payment and the settlement of credit requires money. The model extends recent developments in microfounded monetary theory to address the choice of payment methods and the effects of inflation. Whether a buyer uses money or credit depends on the fixed cost of credit and the inflation rate.

Money and Price Posting under Private Information

Staff Working Paper 2011-22 Mei Dong, Janet Hua Jiang
We study price posting with undirected search in a search-theoretic monetary model with divisible money and divisible goods. Ex ante homogeneous buyers experience match specific preference shocks in bilateral trades. The shocks follow a continuous distribution and the realization of the shocks is private information.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Economic models, Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): D, D8, D82, D83, E, E3, E31
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