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9212 Results

Price-Level Targeting and Inflation Expectations: Experimental Evidence

Staff Working Paper 2011-18 Robert Amano, Jim Engle-Warnick, Malik Shukayev
In this paper, we use an economics decision-making experiment to test a key assumption underpinning the efficacy of price-level targeting relative to inflation targeting for business cycle stabilization and mitigating the effects of the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Monetary policy framework JEL Code(s): E, E3, E32, E5, E52
August 18, 2011

The BoC-GEM-Fin: Banking in the Global Economy

This article describes the Bank of Canada’s version of the Global Economy Model structured to incorporate an active banking system that features an interbank market and cross-border lending. After describing the new model, the authors use it to examine the responses of selected U.S. and Canadian macroeconomic variables to a “credit crunch” in the United States and also to study the impact of changes in the regulatory limits to bank leverage in Canada. They also discuss the relative merits of a monetary policy framework based on inflation targeting and one based on price-level targeting in the presence of shocks to the U.S. and Canadian banking sectors.
August 18, 2011

Mortgage Debt and Procyclicality in the Housing Market

This article focuses on the role that loans backed by housing collateral play in amplifying housing booms and, more generally, procyclicality in the housing market. The author uses a model developed to include borrower and lender households, as well as a housing market, to examine the impact that altering the loan-to-value ratio (either permanently or countercyclically) might have on the volatility of house prices and mortgage debt.
July 22, 2011

Global Financial Reform: Maintaining the Momentum

Remarks Tiff Macklem G-20 Workshop on 7 July 2011 Paris, France
In his remarks entitled Global Financial Reform: Maintaining the Momentum, delivered to the G-20 workshop organized by the Australian Treasury in Paris on 7 July 2011, Senior Deputy Governor Tiff Macklem reviews the achievements toward a more resilient financial system and the challenges related to oversight and regulation, and reducing contagion and harmful spillovers.
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