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9187 Results

Import Price Dynamics in Major Advanced Economies and Heterogeneity in Exchange Rate Pass-Through

Staff Working Paper 2008-39 Stephane Dees, Matthias Burgert, Nicolas Parent
This paper aims at showing heterogeneity in the degree of exchange rate pass-through to import prices in major advanced economies at three different levels: 1) across destination markets; 2) across types of exporters (distinguishing developed economy from emerging economy exporters); and 3) over time.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Exchange rates, Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): E, E3, E31, F, F3, F4, F41

The Role of Bank Capital in the Propagation of Shocks

Staff Working Paper 2008-36 Césaire Meh, Kevin Moran
Recent events in financial markets have underlined the importance of analyzing the link between the financial health of banks and real economic activity. This paper contributes to this analysis by constructing a dynamic general equilibrium model in which the balance sheet of banks affects the propagation of shocks.

Rediscounting Under Aggregate Risk with Moral Hazard

Staff Working Paper 2007-51 James Chapman, Antoine Martin
Freeman (1999) proposes a model in which discount window lending and open market operations have different effects. This is important because in most of the literature, these policies are indistinguishable.
February 15, 2007

Temporary measures to reinforce the target for the overnight rate

On 9 March 2006, the Bank of Canada announced temporary measures to reinforce its target for the overnight rate. Specifically, the Bank announced that it would reduce the target for settlement balances to zero and, on a temporary basis, no longer commit to neutralizing all of the Sale and Repurchase Agreements (SRAs) conducted.
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
March 30, 2009

What Are Banks Really For?

Remarks Mark Carney University of Alberta School of Business Edmonton, Alberta
Across the world's major economies, addressing the failures of banking ranks among the highest policy priorities. In the harsh glare of the current financial turmoil, it is clear that many banks outside of Canada were either not doing their jobs or were doing them in ways that created enormous risks.
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