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September 5, 2003

Spruce Meadows Roundtable

Remarks David Dodge Spruce Meadows Roundtable Spruce Meadows, Alberta
Canada's reliance on foreign trade has required us to be active internationalists for decades. Louis Rasminsky, who went on to become Governor of the Bank of Canada, was one of Canada's delegates at the Bretton Woods Conference that led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Rasminsky played an important role, formal and informal, at the talks.
April 22, 2004

Research in Financial Services and Public Policy - Filling the Gaps

Remarks David Dodge Conference on Financial Services and Public Policy Schulich School of Business at York University Toronto, Ontario
For five years, the research program here at Schulich has helped to support and nurture a Canadian academic community focused on financial services. In doing so, the program has encouraged researchers to fill the gaps in our knowledge and help policy-makers and regulators to do a better job. After five years, it's useful to think back and recall the motivations for establishing this program in the first place.
April 30, 2003

Opening Statement before the Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee

Opening statement David Dodge Senate Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee
The last time I testified before this committee was in the spring of 2002, because we were unable to arrange our regular meeting last fall. You will recall that following the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, we quickly and aggressively cut our policy interest rate to shore up confidence and support domestic demand. By last spring, evidence had already started to build that demand was growing faster than the economy's production capacity.

Strengthening IMF Surveillance: An Assessment of Recent Reforms

Staff Discussion Paper 2009-10 Robert Lavigne, Lawrence L. Schembri
The authors assess the potential impact of recently approved reforms to International Monetary Fund (IMF) surveillance; namely, the "2007 Decision on Bilateral Surveillance Over Members' Policies" and the "Statement of Surveillance Priorities" (SSP). They conclude that these complementary reforms have the potential to create a comprehensive and coherent framework for IMF surveillance. If implemented properly, […]
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Topic(s): International topics JEL Code(s): F, F3, F33
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