January 10, 2024 Canada Mortgage Bonds: Government purchases and holdings View the latest data on the Government of Canada's purchases and holdings of Canadian Mortgage Bonds.
January 9, 2024 Standing Term Liquidity Facility Under the Standing Term Liquidity Facility (STLF), the Bank can provide loans to eligible financial institutions in need of temporary liquidity support if the Bank has no concerns about the institution’s financial soundness.
Extreme Weather and Low-Income Household Finance: Evidence from Payday Loans Staff Working Paper 2024-1 Shihan Xie, Victoria Wenxin Xie, Xu Zhang This paper explores the impact of extreme weather exposures on the financial outcomes of low-income households. Our findings highlight the heightened financial vulnerability of low-income households to environmental shocks and underscore the need for targeted policies. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Climate change, Credit and credit aggregates JEL Code(s): G, G5, Q, Q5, Q54
Modelling Canadian mortgage debt and payments in a semi-structural model Staff Analytical Note 2024-1 Fares Bounajm, Austin McWhirter We show how Canadian mortgage debt dynamics can be modelled in a semi-structural macroeconomic model, such as the Bank of Canada’s LENS. The model we propose accounts for Canada’s unique mortgage debt structure. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff analytical notes Research Topic(s): Economic models, Monetary policy transmission JEL Code(s): E, E2, E27, E4, E43, E47, G, G5, G51
January 3, 2024 Bank of Canada conducts Overnight Repo operation The Bank of Canada today conducted an Overnight Repo (OR) operation, which is a regular tool that is part of the Bank’s standard operating framework for implementing monetary policy. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices Source(s): Overnight repo operations
December 31, 2023 Quarterly Research Update – 2023 Q4 This newsletter features the latest research publications by Bank of Canada economists including external publications and working papers published on the Bank of Canada’s website. Content Type(s): Staff research, Research newsletters
Procyclicality in Central Counterparty Margin Models: A Conceptual Tool Kit and the Key Parameters Staff Discussion Paper 2023-34 Alper Odabasioglu Regulators need to provide effective procyclicality guidance, and central counterparties must design and calibrate their margin systems and procyclicality frameworks appropriately. To serve these needs, we provide a novel conceptual tool kit. Further, we highlight that the focus should be on the key margin system parameters in determining procyclicality. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Research Topic(s): Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Credit risk management, Financial institutions, Financial markets, Financial stability, Financial system regulation and policies JEL Code(s): G, G0, G01, G2, G23, G28