November 1, 2011 Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Opening statement Mark Carney House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance Ottawa, Ontario Good morning. Tiff and I are pleased to be here with you today to discuss the October Monetary Policy Report, which the Bank published last week. The global economy has slowed markedly as several downside risks to the projection outlined in the Bank’s July MPR have been realized. Volatility has increased and there has been […] Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements
How Do You Pay? The Role of Incentives at the Point-of-Sale Staff Working Paper 2011-23 Carlos Arango, Kim Huynh, Leonard Sabetti This paper uses discrete-choice models to quantify the role of consumer socioeconomic characteristics, payment instrument attributes, and transaction features on the probability of using cash, debit card, or credit card at the point-of-sale. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Bank notes, Econometric and statistical methods, Financial services JEL Code(s): C, C3, C35, C8, C83, E, E4, E41
October 26, 2011 Monetary Policy Report – October 2011 The Bank projects that the economy will expand by 2.1 per cent in 2011, 1.9 per cent in 2012 and 2.9 per cent in 2013. Total CPI inflation is expected to trough around 1 per cent by the middle of 2012. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
October 26, 2011 Release of the Monetary Policy Report Opening statement Mark Carney Ottawa, Ontario Press conference following the release of the Monetary Policy Report. Content Type(s): Press, Speeches and appearances, Opening statements
October 25, 2011 Bank of Canada maintains overnight rate target at 1 per cent Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today announced that it is maintaining its target for the overnight rate at 1 per cent. The Bank Rate is correspondingly 1 1/4 per cent and the deposit rate is 3/4 per cent. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
October 19, 2011 Change in Minimum Bank of Canada Nominal Bond Purchases at Auctions In managing its balance sheet, the Bank of Canada acquires Government of Canada securities to offset its liabilities, which consist mainly of bank notes in circulation and deposits. Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
Money and Price Posting under Private Information Staff Working Paper 2011-22 Mei Dong, Janet Hua Jiang We study price posting with undirected search in a search-theoretic monetary model with divisible money and divisible goods. Ex ante homogeneous buyers experience match specific preference shocks in bilateral trades. The shocks follow a continuous distribution and the realization of the shocks is private information. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Economic models, Inflation and prices JEL Code(s): D, D8, D82, D83, E, E3, E31