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9377 Results

An Improved Equation for Predicting Canadian Non-Commodity Exports

Staff Discussion Paper 2017-1 Patrick Alexander, Jean-Philippe Cayen, Alex Proulx
We estimate two new equations for Canadian non-commodity exports (NCX) that incorporate three important changes relative to the current equation used at the Bank of Canada.

Tony Chernis

Tony Chernis is a principal economist in the Survey and Economic Intelligence Division of the Canadian Economic Analysis department.
January 9, 2017

Business Outlook Survey - Winter 2016-17

The results of the winter Business Outlook Survey indicate that business prospects have improved following two years of overall modest activity. The responses reflect building domestic demand, a supportive export outlook and an expected recovery in energy-related activity.

Terms-of-Trade and House Price Fluctuations: A Cross-Country Study

Staff Working Paper 2017-1 Paul Corrigan
Terms-of-trade shocks are known to be key drivers of business cycles in open economies. This paper argues that terms-of-trade shocks were also important for house price fluctuations in a panel of developed countries over the 1994–2015 period.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial stability, Housing, International topics JEL Code(s): C, C3, C32, E, E3, E32, E5, E51, F, F3, F36, F4, F41
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