July 27, 2017 Banking and Financial Statistics - July 2017 Content Type(s): Publications, Historical: Banking and Financial Statistics
July 26, 2017 Bank of Canada publishes its 2018 schedule for policy interest rate announcements and the release of the Monetary Policy Report Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario The Bank of Canada today published its 2018 schedule for policy interest rate announcements and the release of the quarterly Monetary Policy Report. Content Type(s): Press, Press releases
Retrieving Implied Financial Networks from Bank Balance-Sheet and Market Data Staff Working Paper 2017-30 Jose Fique In complex and interconnected banking systems, counterparty risk does not depend only on the risk of the immediate counterparty but also on the risk of others in the network of exposures. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions, Financial stability JEL Code(s): C, C6, C63, D, D8, D85, G, G2, G21
Information Contagion and Systemic Risk Staff Working Paper 2017-29 Co-Pierre Georg, Toni Ahnert We examine the effect of ex-post information contagion on the ex-ante level of systemic risk defined as the probability of joint bank default. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Research Topic(s): Financial institutions, Financial stability JEL Code(s): G, G0, G01, G1, G11, G2, G21
July 21, 2017 Weekly Financial Statistics - 21 July 2017 Content Type(s): Publications, Historical: Weekly Financial Statistics
Fintech: Is This Time Different? A Framework for Assessing Risks and Opportunities for Central Banks Staff Discussion Paper 2017-10 Meyer Aaron, Francisco Rivadeneyra, Samantha Sohal We investigate the risks and opportunities to the mandates of central banks arising from fintech developments. Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff discussion papers Research Topic(s): Central bank research, Digital currencies and fintech, Financial institutions, Payment clearing and settlement systems JEL Code(s): E, E4, E42, G, G1, G2, L, L1
July 20, 2017 P2P Financial Systems International Workshop Co-sponsored by The Bank of Canada, this workshop is the major cross-sectoral platform bringing together scholars, regulators and practitioners interested in P2P economics. The aim is to trigger debate and bridge the gap between academics, technologists, policy makers, regulators and FinTech experts addressing questions of practical importance on digital currencies and Blockchain technologies, P2P lending and Crowdfunding, Digital Money Transfer, Mobile Banking and Mobile Payments
July 20, 2017 Canadian Effective Exchange Rates The CEER index is a weighted average of bilateral exchange rates for the Canadian dollar against the currencies of Canada’s major trading partners.