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1302 Results

Exchange Rate Pass-Through and the Inflation Environment in Industrialized Countries: An Empirical Investigation

Staff Working Paper 2004-21 Jeannine Bailliu, Eiji Fujii
This paper investigates the question of whether a transition to a low-inflation environment, induced by a shift in monetary policy, results in a decline in the degree of pass-through of exchange rate movements to consumer prices.

Commodity-Linked Bonds: A Potential Means for Less-Developed Countries to Raise Foreign Capital

Staff Working Paper 2004-20 Joseph Atta-Mensah
The author suggests that commodity-linked bonds could provide a potential means for less-developed countries (LDCs) to raise money on the international capital markets, rather than through standard forms of financing.

The Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey: An Assessment

Staff Working Paper 2004-15 Monica Martin, Cristiano Papile
Since the autumn of 1997, the Bank of Canada's regional offices (located in Halifax, Montréal, Toronto, Calgary, and Vancouver) have conducted consultations with businesses across Canada on a quarterly basis. These consultations are now referred to as the Business Outlook Survey (BOS).

Durées d'utilisation des facteurs et fonction de production : une estimation par la méthode des moments généralisés en système

Staff Working Paper 2004-12 Eric Heyer, Florian Pelgrin, Arnaud Sylvain
Although a number of studies have demonstrated the importance of the degree of factor utilization in economic analysis, the impact of the durations of utilization in a production function remains largely unknown, particularly in terms of the duration of equipment utilization.
Content Type(s): Staff research, Staff working papers Topic(s): Economic models JEL Code(s): C, C3, C33, D, D2, D24, J, J2, J23
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