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444 Results

November 16, 2016

Follow the Money: A Canadian Perspective on Financial Globalization

Remarks Timothy Lane Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Waterloo, Ontario
Deputy Governor Timothy Lane discusses the benefits and challenges of international capital mobility.
November 8, 2016

Wood, Wheat, Wheels and the Web: Historical Pivots and Future Prospects for Canadian Exports

Remarks Lawrence L. Schembri Atlantic Institute for Market Studies Halifax, Nova Scotia
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses the historical evolution and future prospects for Canadian exports.
November 1, 2016

25 Years of Inflation Targets: Certainty for Uncertain Times

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Business Council of British Columbia Vancouver, British Columbia
Governor Stephen S. Poloz discusses the renewal of Canada’s inflation-targeting agreement and how it continues to help the economy.
October 6, 2016

Economic Trends and Monetary Policy

Remarks Carolyn A. Wilkins Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins talks about the major trends of the Canadian economy and how they affect monetary policy.
September 20, 2016

Living with Lower for Longer

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Association des économistes québécois, the Cercle finance du Québec and CFA Québec Québec, Québec
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about the adjustments that savers and companies need to make in response to low interest rates, and economic policies that can help.
September 14, 2016

(S)low for Long and Financial Stability

Remarks Carolyn A. Wilkins Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum City Lecture London, United Kingdom
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins discusses the financial stability risks associated with slow growth and low interest rates, and explores strategies to mitigate them.
June 17, 2016

Fintech and the Financial Ecosystem: Evolution or Revolution?

Remarks Carolyn A. Wilkins Payments Canada Calgary, Alberta
Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins calls for the public and private sectors to work closely together to realize fintech’s full benefits and minimize its risks.
June 15, 2016

The Canadian Economy: A Progress Report

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Yukon Chamber of Commerce Whitehorse, Yukon
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about the outlook for Canada’s economy and the adjustment to lower resource prices.
May 6, 2016

Stress Prevention: Central Banks and Financial Stability

Remarks Lawrence L. Schembri Joint Workshop: Bank of Canada, International Monetary Fund, Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Peterson Institute for International Economics Ottawa, Ontario
Deputy Governor Lawrence Schembri discusses central banks and the maintenance of financial stability.
April 26, 2016

A New Balance Point: Global Trade, Productivity and Economic Growth

Remarks Stephen S. Poloz Investment Industry Association of Canada and Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association New York, New York
Governor Stephen S. Poloz talks about slowing international trade growth and the implications for productivity and the global economy.
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