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August 19, 2010

Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2010

Examination of how, when the policy interest rate is at or near zero, different monetary policy frameworks might help to lower the risk and economic cost of such a scenario; review of the findings of recent Bank of Canada research on the relative merits of inflation targeting and price-level targeting (PLT) for a small open economy; examination of monetary policy being used to counteract financial imbalances; conference summary: new frontiers in monetary policy design.
July 22, 2010

Monetary Policy Report – July 2010

MPR - July 2010
The global economic recovery is proceeding but is not yet self-sustaining. Greater emphasis on balance sheet repair by households, banks, and governments in a number of advanced economies is expected to temper the pace of global growth relative to the Bank’s outlook in April.
July 15, 2010

Annual Report 2009

Annual Report 2009
A year of financial market strains and economic disruption in 2009 gave way to initial signs of progress in 2010, the year the Bank of Canada celebrates its 75th anniversary. The lessons of the past year vividly illustrate what the Bank has demonstrated repeatedly through seven and a half decades: the value of well-researched policy frameworks and decisive action.
Content Type(s): Publications, Annual Report
July 13, 2010

Senior Loan Officer Survey - Second-Quarter 2010

The survey results point to an overall easing in business-lending conditions during the second quarter of 2010. Both the price and non-price aspects of business lending eased during the quarter. Note that the balance of opinion indicates only the direction of the change in lending conditions; it does not provide information on the magnitude of the change.
July 12, 2010

Business Outlook Survey - Summer 2010

For the first time in two years, firms, on balance, reported an improvement in their past sales activity. While the balances of opinion on future sales growth and investment are lower than in recent surveys, and firms are concerned about global uncertainties, overall, they are positive about the outlook for business activity over the next 12 months.
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