November 19, 2010 Has Exchange Rate Pass-Through Really Declined? Some Recent Insights from the Literature Bank of Canada Review - Autumn 2010 Jeannine Bailliu, Wei Dong, John Murray Building on an earlier Review article, the authors critically reassess the premise that exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) has declined in light of recent studies of the issue in the context of a dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium framework. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Economic models, Exchange rates, Inflation and prices, Monetary policy framework
November 18, 2010 Financial Stress, Monetary Policy, and Economic Activity Bank of Canada Review - Autumn 2010 Fuchun Li, Pierre St-Amant The recent global crisis was characterized by a remarkable intensity in the negative feedback process between financial sector developments and the real economy. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Business fluctuations and cycles, Economic models, Monetary policy transmission
November 18, 2010 Trends in Issuance: Underlying Factors and Implications Bank of Canada Review - Autumn 2010 Jonathan Witmer Trends in debt issuance have changed significantly over the past decade, both prior to the financial crisis and subsequently. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Financial markets, Financial system regulation and policies
November 18, 2010 Bank of Canada Review - Autumn 2010 The premise that exchange rate pass-through has declined is critically reassessed; intensity in the negative feedback process between financial sector developments and the real economy during the recent global crisis is examined; update on past decade’s changing trends in debt issuance in Canada relative to those in other capital markets. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review
October 20, 2010 Monetary Policy Report – October 2010 The global economic recovery is entering a new phase. In advanced economies, temporary factors supporting growth in 2010 - such as the inventory cycle and pent-up demand - have largely run their course and fiscal stimulus will shift to fiscal consolidation over the projection horizon. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
October 8, 2010 Business Outlook Survey - Autumn 2010 Responses to the autumn survey suggest that the economic recovery is progressing. Firms remain positive about the outlook over the next 12 months, but they generally expect growth to be modest, owing in part to a weaker outlook for the U.S. economy. Content Type(s): Publications, Business Outlook Survey
October 8, 2010 Senior Loan Officer Survey - Third-Quarter 2010 The survey results point to an overall easing in business-lending conditions during the third quarter of 2010. Both the price and non-price aspects of business lending eased during the quarter. Note that the balance of opinion indicates only the direction of the change in lending conditions; it does not provide information on the magnitude of the change. Content Type(s): Publications, Senior Loan Officer Survey
August 19, 2010 Monetary Policy and the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2010 Robert Amano, Malik Shukayev The recent financial crisis and global economic slowdown have renewed interest in monetary policy options when the policy interest rate is at or near zero. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Inflation targets, Monetary policy framework
August 19, 2010 Price-Level Targeting and Relative-Price Shocks Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2010 Stephen Murchison Stephen Murchison reviews the findings of recent Bank of Canada research on the relative merits of inflation targeting and price-level targeting (PLT) for a small open economy, such as Canada's, that is susceptible to large and persistent terms-of-trade shocks. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Central bank research, Inflation targets, Monetary policy framework
August 19, 2010 Should Monetary Policy Be Used to Counteract Financial Imbalances? Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2010 Jean Boivin, Césaire Meh, Timothy Lane The authors examine whether monetary policy should and could do more to lean against financial imbalances (such as those associated with asset-price bubbles or unsustainable credit expansion) as they are building up, or whether its role should be limited to cleaning up the economic consequences as the imbalances unwind. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Financial system regulation and policies, Monetary policy framework