August 17, 2001 Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2001 Cover page Trade Silver The objects featured on the cover range in size from 1 to 2.5 inches in width. They form part of the National Currency Collection, Bank of Canada. Photography by James Zagon. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review
August 16, 2001 Innovation and Competition in Canadian Equity Markets Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2001 Serge Boisvert, Charles Gaa Innovations in communications and information technology and the related globalization of financial markets have created the potential for important changes to the structure of Canadian equity markets. Established marketplaces can now compete more effectively on an inter-regional and international basis. At the same time, reduced costs have lowered the barriers to entry faced by new competitors known as alternative trading systems (ATSs). In response to this heightened competition, established Canadian stock exchanges have taken measures to improve market quality. While regulators see innovation as positive for the development of Canadian markets, there is some concern that market liquidity may be fragmented in the short run. The Canadian Securities Administrators have proposed a framework that attempts to address this issue and that would allow ATSs to compete with traditional exchanges for the first time. The authors provide an overview of the Canadian equity market and its structure, focusing on these recent developments. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Financial markets
August 15, 2001 Analyzing the Monetary Aggregates Bank of Canada Review - Summer 2001 Dinah Maclean In recent years, the Bank has put renewed emphasis on analyzing monetary variables and on developing models that incorporate money as an active part of the transmission mechanism. In this article, Dinah Maclean describes how the monetary aggregates are used in the formulation of monetary policy analysis at the Bank, outlining the key tools and models used. The most important money-based model currently in use is the M1-VECM. In this model, deviations in the money supply from the long-term demand for money cause changes in inflation. The author briefly describes the "active-money" paradigm underlying this model and explains the key equations within it. Other simpler empirical models are also outlined, including single-equation indicator models for output based on the narrow aggregates, a neural network, and a model based on the broader aggregate M2++. A detailed technical annex provides details on model equations and coefficient values. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Monetary aggregates
August 1, 2001 Monetary Policy Report Update – August 2001 The Bank’s outlook for inflation and overall economic activity in Canada to the end of 2002 has not changed fundamentally from that presented in the May Monetary Policy Report. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
May 17, 2001 Reforming the International Financial System Bank of Canada Review - Spring 2001 James Powell This article examines the efforts of the major advanced countries to strengthen the international financial system in order to avoid financial crises such as those that occurred in emerging-market economies in the 1990s. These efforts have focused on crisis prevention and crisis management. The prevention of such crises has necessitated the formation of new international groups that include emerging markets in their membership. Measures have also been taken to reduce the vulnerability of countries to such crises. These measures have centered on the need for appropriate macroeconomic policies, including the need for sustainable exchange rate regimes, sound domestic financial systems, and prudent risk management. In the area of crisis management, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has been given access to additional resources for lending to countries that experience financial crises. The IMF has also established new lending facilities for use in such circumstances. It has also been agreed that the private sector will need to play a greater role in the management of such crises in the future. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Exchange rate regimes, International topics
May 17, 2001 Bank of Canada Review - Spring 2001 Cover page Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detectors The detector and notes form part of the National Currency Collection, Bank of Canada. Photography by James Zagon. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review
May 16, 2001 Core Principles for Systemically Important Payments Systems and Their Application in Canada Bank of Canada Review - Spring 2001 Clyde Goodlet Systemically important payments systems are systems that, because of the size or the nature of the payments they process, could trigger or transmit serious shocks across domestic or international financial systems if they were insufficiently protected against risk. This article describes the overall framework of core principles developed for the design, operation, and oversight of such payments systems. The article reviews the role of the task force established to develop the core principles and examines the core principles themselves. It also examines the role of central banks in overseeing major payments systems and in applying the core principles to them. The focus is on the Bank of Canada's oversight responsibilities under the Payment Clearing and Settlement Act and on Canada's systemically important payments system—the LVTS. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): Payment clearing and settlement systems
May 15, 2001—The Bank on the World Wide Web Bank of Canada Review - Spring 2001 Brent Eades This article by the Bank's Web master details the development of the Bank's Web site and highlights some of its special features. It includes a description of dataBANK, a custom-built interface to the Bank's economic databases that gives visitors access to 220 data series. It also provides a mini tour of monetary policy material "on site," as well as a taste of things to come. Above all, this article invites you to come and visit our site. Content Type(s): Publications, Bank of Canada Review articles Topic(s): International topics
May 1, 2001 Monetary Policy Report – May 2001 At the time of the November 2000 Monetary Policy Report, although signs of the anticipated slowing of the U.S. economy were becoming apparent, the momentum of the global economy was considered strong. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report
February 6, 2001 Monetary Policy Report Update – February 2001 On 23 January, the Bank reduced the Bank Rate by one-quarter of one percentage point to 5 3/4 per cent. Content Type(s): Publications, Monetary Policy Report