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January 5, 2002

Inflation Targeting in Canada: Experience and Lessons

Remarks David Dodge Central Bank Governor's Panel on Inflation Targeting at a joint session of The American Economic Association and the North American Economics and Finance Association Atlanta, Georgia
In the 1970s and 1980s we found - in common with many other countries - that high and variable rates of inflation created a lot of economic damage. And it took a long time and a lot of work with various monetary policy frameworks before we got back on track.
December 18, 2001

Government of Canada Pilot Bond Switch Program Launch: Operational Framework

On behalf of the Minister of Finance, the Bank of Canada announced today the operational framework for a pilot bond switch program. The program is designed to support the maintenance of a liquid Government of Canada new issue bond market through the exchange of less liquid outstanding bonds (repurchase bonds) into a benchmark bond (replacement bond).
Content Type(s): Press, Market notices
November 7, 2001

Release of the Monetary Policy Report

Opening statement David Dodge
Since our May 2001 Report, a further weakening of the world economy and the terrorist acts in the United States have forced a reappraisal of global economic prospects. By midsummer, evidence began to accumulate that the economic slowdown, globally and in Canada, would bedeeper and more protracted than previously anticipated. Thus, in late August, the […]
November 7, 2001

Opening Statement before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

Opening statement David Dodge House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
Right now, all national economies face difficulties - difficulties stemming from the further weakening of the world economy and from the terrorist acts in the United States. As businesses, governments, and individuals in Canada - and around the world - strive to come to terms with the implications of those acts, the main preoccupation is, naturally, with the near term.
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